While you wait for “Remaining in the Truth of Christ” to be published (in which Cardinal Burke is one of the authors), you can read a response to Cardinal Kasper’s proposals by a handful of Dominican scholars titled “Recent Proposals for the Pastoral Care of the Divorced and Remarried: A Theological Assessment” from Nova et Vetera (direct link to pdf here, hat tip Called To Communion).
As to the soap opera regarding the upcoming synod, proposed changes to unchangeable truths, book publishings, rumored exiles, and more, we can not possibly keep up with it all here. For the latest in the drama, you can read all about it at Rorate Caeli, Fr. Z’s blog, and Sandro Magister’s blog (who first broke the news on +Burke’s exile).
From Creative Minority Report:
|The truth, revealed to us by God in the Creation and in the Redemption, must find always a faithful witness in us, for the sake of our own salvation and for the salvation of the world. -Cardinal Burke (source Rorate Caeli.)
Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10
Far, far from the clergy be the love of novelty! – St. Piux X
Here are some ‘top of head’ thoughts about the Synod, Cardinal Kasper and, most of all, The Holy Spirit.
In all the confusion, we can hear a call to strengthen our brothers and sisters, which may be one of the greatest challenges we face right now, to be confident in what we have been taught and to proclaim it unhesitatingly. I am writing from the heart because, so far, priests to whom I’ve mildly addressed the issues, have said “no comment,” or made a joke, or remained essentially silent. And some of those are priests whom I already know and respect.
The courage of the five Cardinals, especially Cardinal Burke, is a beacon. I have already ordered and await their book, due to be released on October 7th, in order to be better informed and more facile with giving information and support.
In my files, I’ve tagged this whole situation “chaos.” However, chaos is not of God, but of the evil one. Confusion, lies, and fear are the basis of chaos, and testify to proof of where such chaos comes from – the father of lies. For thousands of years, the evil one has wrought his demolition work upon souls by setting up situations of doubt, fear, chaos. The opposite characteristics are truth, courage and order. That is what Ben’s post is all about. The work we are called to do for the sake of order is prayer. Prayer reverses our own natural entropy. Here are some supportive biblical quotes to pray over, with and through:
Matthew 28: 18-21: “… All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age.”
John 14: 26-27: “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
Galatians: 1:8 “But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed.”
No denomination has the assurance of continuity which our Church has. And we have 2000 years of proof! (2000 Proof – pretty strong stuff!) The great sin of the Israelites in the Wilderness wanderings was forgetting what miracles God had already done for them, and doubting He would/could do it again, and again. In every age, such fears test our resolve, but have no substance, and it is our assigned work to overcome them. St. Pope John Paul II knew it well, when he began: “Be not afraid.”
Personally, the Galatians quote gives me much strength. No one, not even the Pope, can change doctrine or dogma. Even Popes, who might have been seen as “bad people,” never changed doctrine or dogma. Even if such a human being in a position of incredible power and influence were to try to change what Christ has taught, I believe we would see the rapid and direct intervention of God Himself. And, from time to time through history, God has indeed shown us that He is in charge. Be not afraid.
In the current matters coming before the Synod, there is no doubt that Christ directly taught the indissolubility of marriage.
Matthew 19: 4-6: “… Have you not read that He who made them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.”
Mark 10: 11-12 “And He said to them, ‘Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her; and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.’”
Now, somehow, people like Cardinal Kasper seem to be arguing for a case-by-case evaluation of whether or not someone who is divorced and remarried should be admitted to Communion. Need I even say how dangerous a precedent it would be to have such a situation, in which a prelate would be “judging” an individual soul and making exceptions from God’s Law? Would big donors get more passes? Would people move to dioceses where they can get a green-light? Would folks shop around for the most lenient precedents? God forbid. Such actions would inevitably lead to suppression of Gospel texts, such as:
First Corinthians 11:27: “Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the Body and Blood of the Lord.” How many priests would actually want to take on the personal guilt of giving those in sin the go-ahead to receive Communion, when they are guilty of what Christ calls “adultery?”
What the Cardinal Kaspers of this world seem to ignore is that in their effort to be “pastoral” and make people feel good, they lead souls to condemnation not only because of Paul’s admonition in First Corinthians against sacrilege, but because the desire for the Body and Blood of Christ is, itself, a key impetus to “get right with the Lord.” What a loss it would be to souls in sin to no longer have such an impetus! And what a beginning it would be to challenging every teaching of the Church, all the way down the slippery slope.
Consider also what changing such prohibitions against receiving unworthily would mean to interpretation of Church History. If, indeed, a Pope could have changed Christ’s own teaching, what does that mean for the Popes (including the canonized) who let millions of people leave the Church, and many thousands to be martyred when, e.g., Henry the VIII was refused divorce and remarriage(s). It would doubtless then be argued that that (if) a Pope had such powers, he had been neglectful in not exercising those powers at the time, and during many intervening years, or that he was blind to the Will of God. Isn’t this exactly the kind of triumph which the father of lies seeks?
Cardinal Kasper is quoted more recently as implying Pope Francis wanted and approved bringing up these subjects in the pre-Synod meeting, and at the Synod. When one reads the Cardinal’s words (assuming they have been conveyed accurately) it would be hard to argue that Cardinal Kasper didn’t just throw the Pope under the bus! That adds yet another dimension of interest and irony to the upcoming Synod.
Ironic too is that the current call by the Vatican for a New Evangelization seems targeted to begin within the Hierarchy itself. That is the best context in which I can see such discussion occurring at the Synod. It has mobilized a treatise defense by five Cardinals, giving us a new collection and affirmation of Church Teaching, and is bound to be an instrument of future catechesis. Come Holy Spirit, come……
You are spot on. My thoughts, however, are with something Michael Vorheis said yesterday on the Vortex. He said that when the faith gets suppressed and confused for three generations it ceases to be a factor in society and this is the third generation
This is what happened during the English Reformation. English Catholics initially resisted the efforts of Henry VIII and his son Edward but by the time Elizabeth came to reign the faith had been altered for three generations and most Englishmen and women were Anglican and hostile to Rome.
Now that was done by brute force. What was done by the current modernists was accomplished by deceit and trickery. The results are similar
Christ’s church has so Many enemies in the clergy and I anticipate the upcoming Synod will be hijacked by Cardinal Kasper and his henchmen
I hate to admit but I can see a very small Catholic Church with the Modernist crowd having taken a schism
I just don’t know how long we as a Church can go on with so many from within tearing her down
I don’t see any clerical savior on the horizon. Only small groups of militant, energetic and loyal faithful Catholic laity. Can they turn the tide? Only time, prayer DNS effort will tell
Has anyone else noticed how Zenit has turned into Pope Francis’s diary and press agent? All today’s stories are around a day-trip to Albania:
Pope Heads Back to Rome After Visit to Albania
Pope Francis Meets With Children of the ‘Betania’ Center in Albania
Pope Francis’ Address at Celebration of Vespers at the Cathedral of St. Paul
Pope Weeps Upon Hearing Witness of Religious Persecution in Albania
In Tirana, Pope Francis stresses that religious freedom is “a safeguard against all forms of totalitarianism and contributes decisively to human fraternity”
Pope’s Address to Interreligious Leaders of Albania
Pope Francis Greets Journalists During Flight to Albania
Pope’s Angelus Address at Conclusion of Mass in Tirana
Pope Francis: ‘May Peace Reign in Your Country’
Pope Francis’ Homily at Mass in Mother Teresa Square in Tirana
Pope Francis Arrives in “The Land of the Eagles”
Pope Francis’ Address at Welcoming Ceremony in Tirana
Pope’s Telegram to Italian President Giorgio Napolitano
Here is what Zenit said 2 years ago during the final months of Pope Benedict’s reign:
A Meeting Between The Pope And The Patriarch of Moscow Seems Closer Today
“Credo Domine” Wristbands Commissioned for Year of Faith
South African Cardinal Reflects on Call to Evangelize, Give Witness of Faith Received
Relic of St. Francis Xavier Travels to Australia
Archdiocese of Sydney Hosts Three Month “Pilgrimage of Grace”
Bishop Dal Covolo: World Youth Day Will Bear Copious Fruits for the Church
Rector of Pontifical Lateran University Speaks On Recent Visit to Brazil
Wednesday’s Audience
On Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Journey to Lebanon
“Concord and reconciliation must be stronger than the forces of death”
Pope: Be At the Service of God First
Pontiff Receives Recently Appointed Bishops in Audience
Benedict XVI Sends Greetings to Jewish Community
Pope Benedict XVI To Visit Loreto
Pontiff Will Visit Shrine Containing House of the Virgin Mary
Benedict XVI Hopes Visit to Lebanon Fosters Dialogue of Peace
Reflects on Apostolic Journey in Weekly General Audience
Vatican Official Calls for Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy
Archbishop Mamberti Addresses General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency
Cardinal Burke [says] that the rumor mill seeks to undermine the synod on the family.
“Next month’s synod on the family has undergone an attempted hijacking by some media sources, which are fueling expectations that impossible changes will be made to Church doctrine, said the head of the Church’s highest court.
“I don’t think you have to be brilliant to see that the media has, for months, been trying to hijack this synod,” said Cardinal Raymond Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura — the office which, among other things, handles annulment cases in the Church.
Go to link above to
One way to combat the untruth is for bishops in various places to come out with strong statements. I think this one suffices: http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/canon-lawyer-bishop-gay-marriage-among-sins-preventing-communion-93450/