Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

St. Paul Street Evangelization in the DOR

September 5th, 2014, Promulgated by b a

From Fr. Mike Mayer:

Easy Evangelization for Everyone!

Members of the Rochester Chapter of St. Paul Street Evangelization regularly evangelize at the Rochester Public Market, Geneva Farmers Market, Ontario Beach Park and Frontier Field. We offer rosaries, rosary guides (English and Spanish), medals, CD/DVDs, and literature promoting our Catholic faith. We also pray with those who ask for prayer and pray for those who enter their requests in our prayer journals. Over 40 people were trained to evangelize in March by Adam Janke of the national organization and others who have joined since are taking the online training at Parishes and individuals are invited to join the Rochester Chapter of St. Paul Street Evangelization and joyfully proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our diocese. For more more information, email or call Fr. Mike Mayer at 315-789-0939, X113.


6 Responses to “St. Paul Street Evangelization in the DOR”

  1. Bernie says:

    (Tongue in cheek) Might be good to have a team distributing reading materials outside many of our Catholic churches on Sundays.

  2. raymondfrice says:

    Bernie!!! (Tongue in cheek)

    In that case we will have to have one for the pastor and 12 for the congregation!!!

  3. Pianist9591 says:

    I truly love being part of this ministry! It is so invigorating, & for the most part the people we meet are pleasant, if not receptive of our offers of free rosaries & other materials. We have spoken with Protestants, fallen-away Catholics, & people of other faith traditions. (The most interesting person I have met in this last category was an adherent of Zorastrianism who had recently been released from prison & was waiting for a bus to go to Manhattan.) We have prayed with people who have shared their needs, we have encouraged fallen-away Catholics to return to the Sacraments, & we have answered questions about the Catholic faith (often misperceptions). To God be the Glory. Please pray for our ministry!

  4. JLo says:

    Prayers for sure, Pianist9591! May God bless you in your efforts. The picture shows two young people, and that is so wonderful, so encouraging for all of us. Youth standing up, giving time and acting on beliefs, that is so brave and blessed. I salute you and will pray for you. As the man said in a favorite movie of mine, all you do here you take with you into Eternity… look at the good your ministry is doing! Wow. And your priest leader, Fr. Mayer, his is an example for all his brother priests. We are so blessed to have him in the DOR.

  5. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    One day we met a beloved Catholic who told us he hadn’t been to Mass in four years and was deciding to attend and assist the next day after talking to us. Let us pray this dear brother followed through with his good intention.

    Hopefully more and more Catholics will value Rosary distribution as an authentic step in evangelization and join us on the street.

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