Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Screwtape and Common Core

September 28th, 2014, Promulgated by Hopefull

Recently I have been re-reading The Screwtape Letters and discovered in the Addendum Book “Screwtape Proposes a Toast,” written in 1959, an amazing description of the seeds of Common Core characterization.  Yes, over 50 years ago, C. S. Lewis was describing what at least some people see today in the Common Core Educational Program.

What follows are just a few pages from the essence of the description, using a popular distortion of the meaning of “democracy”. Click on “read the rest” to see the remaining few excerpted pages.  Keep in mind that Screwtape is a demon, so “The Enemy” is God, and the triumph of evil and capture of souls is his agenda.  Here is the excerpt from his “toast” related to the news that the education system will help the demons to capture souls, upon whom they dine:


Toast 1A












Toast 1B




 Toast 2

Toast 3crop


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