Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Reminder: less than 2 weeks left to grow a Spiritual Bouquet

September 2nd, 2014, Promulgated by Hopefull

On the Feast of the Assumption, August 15th, we began collecting flowers for our (individual) spiritual bouquets for Bishop Matano, for his birthday on September 15th.  See link here.

spiritual bouquetThere are now less than two weeks remaining (if we want His Excellency to receive our spiritual bouquets on or before his birthday).  So, how are is your garden growing?  Red roses of Masses? White lilies of Communions?  Blue irises of rosaries? A golden sunflower of adoration?  The aroma of prayers rising like the sweet odor of incense?  May we not suspect that when Bishop Matano says “Pray for me!” that he really means it?  Have we any better way to show our gratitude than our prayers?

I know I am behind where I wanted to be at this point, but the point is not accumulation or obsession, simply a gentle offering of what matters most.  Don’t feel “Oh, it isn’t enough to send a birthday card saying ‘I offered one Mass and Communion for your intentions.'”  A Mass is of infinite value, as I am reminding myself.

Here is the address to send your birthday card, and bouquet:

The Most Reverend Salvatore Matano

Bishop of the Diocese of Rochester

Pastoral Center, 1150 Buffalo Road

Rochester, N. Y. 14624-1890

It might be a good idea to write, with your note, a mention that no reply is expected, in order not to add to the Bishop’s workload.  And please mention this to those in your parish and bible study, and to friends and family.






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