Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Light Another Candle — September, 2014 — Cardinal Dolan & St. Pat’s Parade

September 3rd, 2014, Promulgated by Diane Harris
Torchlight Procession in Lourdes

Torchlight Procession in Lourdes

                                      A comment by Richard Thomas (shown below) is moved here from another post, to begin “Light Another Candle” for September.

And it is only September 3rd!

However, I will not have time to research the issue, so our readers are invited to do so, and we’ll post the additional information right here.

For example, is this a new occurrence or has it happened in previous years?

Does the Diocese of New York have any power over who marches and who doesn’t, except for their own participation?

Has the New York Diocese ever previously contested an LGBT presence in the St. Patrick’s Day parade?  Or in any other civic program?  If so,what happened?

I seem to remember that when he first arrived in NYC, then Archbishop Dolan told St. Francis Xavier parish in Greenwich Village that they could not march in the Gay Pride Parade with a banner that said “St. Francis Xavier” Church.  While the marchers complied with the letter of the Abp.’s order, they marched with a blank banner, wearing St. Francis Xavier tee-shirts.  So, it was “in your face” to Abp. Dolan!  Michael Voris also did a show on Abp. Dolan’s applauding the LGBT group at a Mass at St. Francis Xavier.  That’s all from memory.  Maybe someone can check it out, and give us links?

Here’s what Richard Thomas wrote to alert us to the unfolding scenario:

Richard Thomas says:

September 3, 2014 at 11:30 AM

I just learned that the St. Patrick’s Day Parade will now allow gay and lesbian groups to march in the parade under their banner.

Bill O’Reilly from Fox, the O’Reilly Factor stated he had no problem with it.  O’Reilly is the Spokesman for the Parade.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the Grand Chairman of the parade, said he welcomed their participation.


And here is a gutsy article in the National Catholic Register, of all places!  Thanks “J” for the link.


New York Post “…ending ban on gay groups”

LifeSiteNews  “End St. Pat’s Parade” — article from a Monsignor removed from Diocese of Washington Website

Washington Post – Gays Scoff  – “Dereliction of  Duty”

Rorate-caeli     St. Patrick’s Day Massacre

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7 Responses to “Light Another Candle — September, 2014 — Cardinal Dolan & St. Pat’s Parade”

  1. christian says:

    So exactly what does that mean-not being allowed to march under their own banner, but are welcomed to participate in the parade? Are any of these people going deck themselves out in ostentatious lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, apparel and support buttons, suspenders, shirts,or signs? I hope they will not bring St. Patrick in on their cause.

  2. militia says:

    Can’t think about the real reasons and ramifications of Cardinal Dolan’s alleged support of LGBT in the St. Patrick’s Day parade without paying attention to this outstanding call-out by Michael Voris today: and yesterday at:

  3. Diane Harris says:

    Breaking News from LifeSiteNews: Bill Donohue pulls The Catholic League out of the St. Pat’s Parade, for a good reason: pro-life groups have been denied a spot in the parade. Too bad he didn’t use ‘doing the right thing’ to also criticize Cardinal Dolan’s ‘doing the wrong thing.” Story is here:

    And here is a frank piece on “Dereliction of Duty”:

  4. Richard Thomas says:

    Here is some breaking news from “A Dallas Catholic Blog”.

    The Catholic League is pulling out of the St Patricks Day parade. I have enclosed the article.

    God bless.

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