Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Father McAlear Returns!

September 15th, 2014, Promulgated by Hopefull
Fr. Richard McAlear speaking at the Charismatic Conference in Steubenville

Fr. Richard McAlear speaking at the Charismatic Conference in Steubenville

Those who have long been praying for Father Mac’s health and strength to return will especially rejoice in his return to Rochester and Buffalo next month.  It has been several years since we’ve seen him, and had the opportunity to experience the healing gifts which flow through him from God.   Welcome back, Father Mac!

To learn more, visit and click on the video.  It is well worth the half hour listening, even if you are NOT going to see him locally.  Anyone who takes the words “New Evangelization” with any seriousness should hear these words, and take them to heart.

Shown below are excerpts from the letter received from his local ministry, which facilitates these visits.  No teaching day is shown this year, which is understandable given all the very serious health challenges Fr. Mac has had the past few years.

But the most important element of his ministry will be present — celebration of the Mass, Exposure of the Blessed Sacrament for Adoration, Fr. Mac’s sermon/homily, available confessions, and hands-on healing.  We all need healing, but if you know people who especially need physical healing, please put this date on their calendars asap, and help them to come if they need assistance.   Surely, that will be both a spiritual and a corporal work of mercy!  For the sake of those who follow Cleansing Fire from other areas of the country, Fr. Mac’s expanded calendar is also shown below.

Dear Friends in Christ,

Fr. McAlear and his Ministry of Hope & Healing is coming to the Buffalo —Rochester area in October 2014.
Fr. Mac's upcoming calendar.

Fr. Mac’s upcoming calendar.

Fr. McAlear is much in demand all over the world for his gifts of teaching and the healing love of Jesus Christ that flows through him. Please come and bring a friend.
We will have Fr. McAlear’s books, cd’s and dvd’s all available  at the Rochester event.
Please check out his web site for complete information on his schedule, prayer requests at .
Fri., October 10 at 7 pm St. Pius X Church
3000 Chili Avenue
Rochester, NY 14624
(585) 436-4433
Contact: Karen
Wed., October 8 at 7 pm St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy
325 Walden Ave @ Miller St.
Buffalo, NY 14211
(716) 894-4476

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