Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Sung Mass Tomorrow (and every Sunday)

September 20th, 2014, Promulgated by Bernie


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st.alban-stainedglassSunday, September 21

Sung Roman Catholic Mass at 12:30 pm

3302 East Henrietta Road, Henrietta
(The older Good Shepherd church building fronting on East Henrietta Road).

Music for the day:

September 21: Pentecost XV (Jacob Fuhrman, organist)

Processional: 279 “Praise to the Lord, the almighty” (Lobe den Herren)

Offertory: 479 “Love divine, all loves excelling” (Hyfrydol)

Recessional: 385 “Glorious things of thee are spoken” (Austria)

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