Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

A little trick for the little screen

June 14th, 2014, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Regarding the use of colored and vari-colored text in the posts, there are two types of feedback–those who like it or at least think it helps to find/refind a particular text (especially in a longer post), and those who absolutely hate it.  My intent is not to provoke discussion on the use of vari-colored type, as there are SO many more issues that deserve comment and input for the sake of souls.  Hence, feedback is shut off on this post, but you can send an email (see staff listing) if you do have strong feelings and advice.

Rather, the intent here is to offer a bit of help to those who hate the use of colors in posted text.   All that is needed is to run the cursor over the text, the entire text, and it will become white on a medium blue background, eliminating all the colors and being quite easy to read.  Try it on the garish post below.  Hope this helps!  


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