From the from the un-common core school
The Common Core is much discussed these days, as you know. People want to know about other options for educating their children.
This is a golden opportunity for letting them know about Catholic Classical Education. Last week SJBS was featured on Time Warner Cable News, and this week we have two more media spots being recorded.
Tuesday, April 1 between 12 noon and 1 PM on WXXI 1370 AM
Connections with Evan Dawson will feature St. John Bosco Schools as an alternative to the Common Core.Thursday, April 3 at 8 PM on WXXI-TV on Need to Know Rochester
Helene Biandudi Hofer will feature St. John Bosco Schools in a discussion of pros and cons of private schools not using the Common Core.WXXI-TV can be viewed over-the-air on Digital Television channel 21.1 as well as on Time Warner Cable channels 11 (Standard Definition) and 1221 (High Definition).
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The radio program already happened, but can be listened to here. Colleen Richards, the headmaster of St. John Bosco, comes on the air about halfway through.
Also, check out these two videos on the problems of common core and why classical education is better here and here.
Tags: sjbs
Ben, thanks for the heads up on the Common Core. How difficult it is these days to try and educate children in our present culture! All Catholic and non-Catholic Christians alike need to fight back for the right to teach their children what they need to know about their faith and their country. The videos you cited were a real eye-opener!