Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

The Virtue of Tossing Your Cookies

February 1st, 2014, Promulgated by Hopefull

It has been rumored for years that the Girl Scouts of America are in a supportive, even symbiotic, relationship to Planned Parenthood.  Now, more detail is available.  The well-respected long-time pro-life advocate, Judie Brown, has distributed the information as President of the American Life League

At that website, scroll down to find a January 30th article “‘Radicalized’ Girls Scouts of America triggers national cookie boycott” by Paul E. Rondeau, on Thursday, Jan. 30th, and a companion article on the cookie boycott.  Here are some highlights in the email from Judie Brown:


“Is your daughter, granddaughter or a neighbor’s child asking you to buy Girl Scout cookies? Please think twice…. the Girl Scouts was once a trusted organization dedicated to character building in young girls and women. Now, GSUSA is abusing that trust.  Most parents and grandparents remain painfully unaware that GSUSA has introduced so-called ‘family planning’ ideology in its curriculum and promotes groups like Planned Parenthood to our daughters and granddaughters.

GSUSA is the largest member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, a group that advocates for “affordable, accessible, safe abortion.” GSUSA participated in a “girls only” United Nations workshop in 2010 with Planned Parenthood where a sex education pamphlet titled “Happy, Healthy, and Hot” instructed young girls not to think of sex as “just about vaginal or anal intercourse.” It continued, “There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore, and be yourself!”

The GSUSA curriculum now promotes Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, Betty Friedan, founder of NARAL Prochoice, and other pro-abortion women as icons for our children to emulate. GSUSA even directs girls to explore organizations like Population Center.”

Judie Brown goes on to say: “ALL hopes that the cookie boycott will raise awareness with parents and grandparents that Girl Scouts is no longer the organization they grew up with and once trusted. When that Girl Scout comes to your door or you see her in front of the local grocery store or in the mall, check to see if there is an adult present.  If there is, you may want to give the adult this flyer that explains why you cannot buy the cookies.” 

The flier also describes the huge financial aspect of the GSA cookie-selling, and where the money goes.  It is well worth a close look. 
We are who we support.  Nearly two years ago I posted a boycott article here; it is out of date of course, but the concepts are relevant.  This past summer a friend asked if I would sponsor her in the  Susan Komen run, and I refused.  Komen had supported Planned Parenthood for years, and then stopped because of the abortion link.  PP put so much pressure on Komen, that they reversed the decision and once again are large supporters of PP, and now with less trust or credibility.  The weak-willed flip-flop lost Komen much support.  One story said they were 30% below what they’d raised this year, compared to prior years.
So a few boxes of cookies per household can really make a difference!  And when you find satisfying substitutes for various GSA cookies, share the information in a comment here.  (I like Wegmans’ Shortbread from their bakery.)  What are your recommendations for those determined to “Toss their (GSA) Cookies” for the sake of virtue?

Update:  Feb. 16, 2014:  New “Respect Life Badge”

ScreenShot002For those not aware of the American Heritage Girls as an alternative to GSA, you can find them here at and there is a link to contacts in various areas of the country, including to the National Catholic Committee. 

There are troops in Bloomfield and Leroy, e.g. and plenty of opportunity to start a new troop in your area.  A new “Respect Life Badge” has been introduced for those marching for life, serving at pregnancy centers or nursing homes, or other life-supportive service. 


If you are involved with the American Heritage Girls, please add comments or supply more information.   Here is a local contact from their website:



4 Responses to “The Virtue of Tossing Your Cookies”

  1. Richard Thomas says:

    It can be a teaching moment. If a girl scout and her mom come to the door, this could enlighten them.

  2. Hopefull says:

    Please note the update to this post, which covered the Girl Scouts pro-Planned Parenthood agenda, to see a link to American Heritage Girl’s new “Respect Life” badge, and a contact for their Bloomfield chapter. If you know more about American Heritage Girls locally, especially in Rochester, please comment. Thanks.

  3. militia says:

    Girl Guides in Canada is also support pro-abortion groups.

  4. Hopefull says:

    Here is some hope for what the Boy Scouts face with last year’s decision to admit gay members:

    And here is another reason not to patronize Disney:
    LOS ANGELES (AP) — March 3, 2014 — The Walt Disney Company will cut funding to the Boy Scouts of America beginning in 2015 because of a policy that bans gay adult leaders in the organization:

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