Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

New Mass Time at Saint Alban

February 22nd, 2014, Promulgated by Bernie

st.alban-stainedglassThe Roman Catholic Fellowship of Saint Alban has announced that it will celebrate Mass at 12:30 p.m. on Sundays beginning Sunday, March 2. The Fellowship has been meeting at 3 p.m. on Sundays and will do so one last time this Sunday, February 21.

The Fellowship is part of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter.

Saint Alban’s has recently celebrated two beautiful choral Masses (see here and here).

Good Shepherd ChurchThe Fellowship celebrates Mass in the original Church of the Good Shepherd, 3302 E Henrietta Rd, Henrietta, NY 14467.

Fellowship’s website here.

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5 Responses to “New Mass Time at Saint Alban”

  1. Interstate Catholic says:

    The Good Shepherd 11:15 mass is usually getting out at 12:15 so expect a minor traffic jam.

  2. Ludwig says:

    ISC: there is a dedicated “in” driveway immediately next to the church. If everyone obeys the signs, it should hopefully not be TOO bad.

  3. Diane Harris says:

    Ludwig, what about the parking? Will the little lot near the side door where most of us park be available, or will we be trying to pull into parking places others are trying to get out of, blocking them?

  4. Ludwig says:

    Diane – we’ll find out Sunday!

    It may be a perfect-storm scenario, as there is going to be a much larger-than-usual congregation at St. Alban for a baptism.

    Look at it this way: if we all fit – even with the baptism – then we should be fine going forward.

  5. Bernie says:

    If we go in the “Entrance” there should be no problem as those leaving will be moving out in the direction of the “Exit”. We will be coming in behind them as they leave. If facing the church, use the “Entrance” to the left of the parking lot.

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