Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Emergency News and Action Needed re LIFE

January 28th, 2014, Promulgated by Diane Harris

New information will be added to the top of this post as received, so comments can be kept open for ideas and reactions. 

Rochester Area Right to Life has confirmed that the State Senate is NOT meeting this week; the urgency has been tempered but the importance is just as great!  It will not hurt to continue to keep NYS legislators aware that they are being watched, and that we deeply care about the issue.  There is no need to confirm exactly when the Senate will address the issue before letting them know of our concern.

Let’s remember that Paul Revere was an “early warning system” in his day.  Today we have many more people with an ear to the ground to help prevent our being blindsided.  There is always a risk of missing important information, reacting to misinformation, or even of opponents changing their plans once they know the news is out.  Nevertheless, it is vital to have the best information available, vital as in “a matter of life and death.”  In the threat of expanded abortion, that is an apt description.  The latest information was received from Rev. Jason McGuire earlier today:

“Friends, I know we all mean well and I appreciate your commitment to vigilance on this issue, but discussion of an imminent vote is bad intel. There is no vote scheduled for Governor Cuomo’s Abortion Expansion Act in the State Senate. The Legislature is not even in town Friday.

Multiple senators – from Senator Skelos on down – have as recently as Monday publicly and privately reaffirmed their opposition to the Abortion Expansion Act.

We are monitoring this situation closely, and will quickly share if we sense there is any urgency.
We are not alarmed by what happened in the State Assembly this year. It was to be expected.

Thank you for your commitment to life.

In His Service,
Rev. Jason J. McGuire
Executive Director
New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms
(585) 225.2340 (Office)
(585) 225-2810 (Fax)
PO Box 107
Spencerport, NY 14559-0107″

The warning post from RARTL was shown here on January 28, 2014 at 11:22AM.  Even if the Senate voting is delayed, the contact information supplied in that warning is still relevant, and worth using for preparation.  The Assembly’s action clearly shows there is a fight ahead. 

“The following email was sent at 2AM this morning by Anne LeBlanc, head of Rochester Area Right to  Life.  While hundreds of thousands were marching in Washington for Life, alleged Catholic Andrew Cuomo was moving ahead his legislative agenda for radical exapansion of abortion, which was defeated last year by one vote!  Immediate action is needed by everyone and anyone who values Life.  After her message (click on “Read the Rest of this Entry”) for more information, including contacts for local legislators.  PLEASE PRAY AND TAKE ACTION.  NOW! 

—– Original Message —–

Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2014 2:27 AM
Subject: RARTL Legislative Alert: Abortion Expansion to hit Senate Friday. Call now!
The Governor’s 10-plank Women’s  Equality Act was passed, as a whole, by the Assembly this afternoon (Monday).  It goes to the Senate, which will be considering it on FRIDAY.
What to do:  Your Senator in Albany needs to hear from you immediately!
When:  Right away.  They could vote on FRIDAY.
How:  Call, fax, e-mail.
Where: If you write, write to the local offices and consider hand-delivering it.  If you call or fax, use either the local or Albany office.  Time is very short!
What to say:  Vote NO on the governor’s abortion expansion in the “Women’s Equality Act.”   Pass the nine planks but don’t expand abortion in New York State.
Why:  We want the Senate to consider the first nine planks separately and ignore the tenth plank, which is the abortion expansion.
How:  Contact information for senators in the vicinity of Monroe County is pasted at the bottom of this e-mail.
As usual, if you do NOT want to receive notices like this, please let me know by return e-mail.
This will be very, very tight.  If you have pro-life friends, you could urge them to call, too.  Number of calls will count.
Thank you for your care for the most vulnerable among us.
Anne LeBlanc
Rochester Area Right to Life
Supplementary information below  (1) Background (2) Telephone tip (3) NY State Right to Life statement  (4) Contact information for local senators. 

(1)   Background:  Last year, very late in the session, the Senate split the Governor’s bill into the ten planks.  They voted on the first nine and passed them.  The Assembly then passed the bill as a whole, which meant that there was nothing to be worked out in conference, nothing that could eventually have been given to the Governor for signature.
This year the Assembly has again passed the bill as a whole.  They are hoping the Senate will vote on it as a whole.  We would like the Senate to do what it did last year.  However, the margin was very, very slim last year.  Every single Senator needs to hear from pro-life constituents in opposition to abortion expansion.  The term to use is indeed “abortion expansion.”  It is well understood in terms of the plank #10 of the Governor’s plan.
= = = = =
(2)    Telephone tip:  Ask how the senator will be voting on the Women’s Equality Act.  If he plans to vote against the abortion expansion part, express your approval.  If he plans to vote for it, express your disappointment.  Don’t threaten, just say you are so, so disappointed, that women deserve better than abortion.
They are likely to say they don’t know or that he hasn’t decided yet.  In that case, just express your opinion, including that women deserve better than abortion.
You aren’t in the Rochester/Monroe County area?  Find your senator on the Senate website: website: www.
= = = = =
Today, the New York State Assembly passed the ‘Women’s Equality Act,’ once again sending the legislation to the New York State Senate. Last year, despite support in both the Assembly and the Senate for nine of the ten points, the Assembly held the nine points hostage in favor of the abortion-expanding tenth point.

“There is nothing empowering to women about bringing abortion-on-demand up to the moment of birth to New York,”
 said Lori Kehoe, Executive Director of New York State Right to Life. “In a day and age when females can be killed in utero simply for the crime of not being male, it is a mockery of what our feminist foremothers stood for to try and force this on New Yorkers. Women’s rights must begin in the womb, or women have no rights at all.”

The tenth point of the Women’s Equality Act, the point of contention between the Assembly and the Senate, would expand access to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy for essentially any reason, would allow non-doctors to perform these surgical procedures, and  provides no conscience protections for medical professionals opposed to taking human life.Throughout the second trimester, late abortions can be completed by dismembering the developed unborn child, even when they can feel pain, pulling the baby out piece by piece until the mother’s uterus is empty. After the abortion, the abortionist must reassemble the child’s body to ensure nothing has been left inside the child’s mother. In abortions that take place later in pregnancy,  which would be legalized in New York by the abortion-expanding Women’s Equality Act, often babies are killed by sliding a needle filled with a chemical agent, such as digoxin, into the beating heart, before being delivered.

“Like the majority of New Yorkers, we oppose expanding abortion-on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy. We stand strong in supporting the right of every individual to have that first right, the right to life,”
 added Kehoe. “New York’s daughters deserve better than abortion.”
= = = = =
(4)    New York State Senate– Metro Rochester
NY Senate
Senator Michael Nozzolio (Republican) 54th District
Albany Office:
188 State Street, Room 503, Capitol Building
Albany, NY 12247
Phone: (518) 455-2366
Fax: (518) 426-6953
Seneca Falls Office:
119 Fall Street
Seneca Falls, NY 13148
Phone: (315) 568-9816
Fax: (315) 568-2090
Senator Ted O’Brien (Democrat) 55th District
Legislative Office Building, Room  302
Albany, New York 12247
Phone: (518) 455-2162
Fax:     (518) 426-6925
Fairport Office:
220 Packett’s Landing
Fairport, New York 14450
Phone:  (585) 223-1800
Fax:      (585) 223-3084
Senator Joseph Robach (Republican) 56th District
Legislative Office Building
188 State Street, Room 803
Albany, New York 12247
Phone:  (518) 455-2909
Rochester Office:
2300 West Ridge Road
Rochester, New York 14626
Phone:  (585) 225-3650
Senator Catharine Young (Republican) 57th District
Legislative Office Building, Room  307
188 State Street
Albany, New York 12247
Phone: (518) 455-3563
Fax:     (518) 426-6905
Olean Office:
Westgate Plaza
700 West State Street
Olean, NY 14760
Phone:  (716) 372-4901
Fax:      (716) 372-5740
Senator Thomas O’Mara (Republican) 58th District
Legislative Office Building Room 812
Albany, NY 12247
Phone: 518-455-2091
Fax: 518-426-6976
Bath Office:
105 East Steuben Street
Bath, NY 14810
United States
Phone: 607-776-3201
Fax: 607-776-5185
Senator Patrick Gallivan  (Republican)         59th District
947 Legislative Office Building
Albany, New York 12247
Phone:  (518) 455-3471
 Fax:      (518) 426-6949
Warsaw Office:
143 North Main Street, Room 103
Warsaw, New York  14569    
Phone:  (585) 786-5048
Fax:      (585) 786-2187
Geneseo Office:
Livingston County Government Center 6 Court Street, Rm 304
Geneseo, NY 14454
United States
Phone: 585-243-6929
Senator Michael Ranzenhofer (Republican) 61st District
Legislative Office Building, Room 848
188 State Street
Albany, New York 12247
Phone:  (518) 455-3161
Fax:      (518) 426-6963
Williamsville Office:
8203 Main Street, Suite 4
Williamsville, New York 14221
Phone:  (716) 631-8695
Fax:     (716) 634-4321
Senator George Maziarz (Republican)          62nd District
Legislative Office Building, Room 708
Albany, New York 12247
Phone:  (518) 455-2024
Brockport Office:
350 New Campus Drive, SUNY Brockport
Brockport, New York 14420
Phone:  (585) 637-5800

2 Responses to “Emergency News and Action Needed re LIFE”

  1. christian says:

    I have e-mailed my State Senator and asked him NOT to vote for the Abortion Expansion part of the Women’s Equality Act and to only allow the other 9 points of the bill to pass. I have asked that he NOT pass the bill as a whole.
    I ask that others who view this site regularly, those who just come across it, or those who have just been informed of the news to PLEASE call, write, or visit your State Senator’s office and let your voice be heard in defense of the unborn! Tell you Senator NOT to pass the Abortion provision of the bill and to NOT vote for the bill – Women’s Equality Act as a whole with all 10 points. THANK YOU.

  2. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    Dear Senator,
    Thank you for your support for the sanctity of Life.

    Contrary to political strategists who support legal abortion on demand, pro-life Americans are not waging a war on women. Senator, you and I know that our heartfelt concern is for the well being of women and their unborn children.

    The Governor’s tenth plank in the “Women’s Equality Act” expands abortion and puts women and their unborn children more at risk. Please continue to care for women, their unborn children and the sanctity of life by voting for the nine other planks and by rejecting the tenth.

    Thank you for your dedicated service to your constituents and all of New York State.

    Gratefully yours,
    Dominick Anthony Zarcone

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