This altar is in a Lima, Peru church. I don’t recall which one. It may have been a side altar in the cathedral.
(Click on the picture to see a clearer image)
I’ve been reading N. T. Wright’s How God Became King which argues that the Church (all the Christian denominations) has failed –to a certain extent– to emphasize what the four Gospels make perfectly clear, that the Kingdom is not something in the future but something already established. The Church has emphasized the concepts proclaimed in the great historical Creeds, the incarnation and atonement, but not the appearance of the Kingdom as addressed in the Gospels and as understood by the earliest Christians; the bookends of the Gospels have been preached but not the center of the Gospels.
I immediately think of the over-the-top traditional liturgical art of Spanish influenced churches. Realistic images in realistic narrative arrangements framed by abundance and lavish throne-room like environments. The contrast is particularly striking in altars where passion scenes and the crucifixion are presented: Utter failure presented as ultimate success. Evil has spent itself and the King rules!
The locals who use these churches and see these fantastic altars must have a heightened sense that the Kingdom has arrived and is present, that God is King over all no matter what other power rules.
Tags: Chancel Images, Liturgical art, Side Chapels
What a magnificent altar in that Lima, Peru Church!
It magnifies images which reflect what is
beautiful, good and true.
“The Church has emphasized…….but not the
appearance of the kingdom…..”
Can we agree with that assertion?
Hasn’t the Catholic Church been emphasizing
the appearance of the Kingdom?
Let’s do some research……
In the Declaration DOMINUS IESUS,
by referencing LUMEN GENTIUM, Saint Cyprian,
the DIDACHE, and Blessed John Paull II’s
REDEMPTORIS MISSIO,, the Catholic Church
re-emphasized the Kingdom in section V
paragraphs 18 and 19.
readers perceive the emphasis on the appearance
of the Kingdom in many sections. See #s 541-550,
763, 764 and # 2816
Particularly revealing and exciting is the CATHECHISM’S
emphasis on page 885 in the Glossary wherein
one reads:
“The Kingdom of God is the messianic Kingdom
present in the person of JESUS, the Messiah;
it (the Kingdom) remains in our midst in the Eucharist.
……the Church, in which the Kingdom of God is
mysteriously present, for she is the seed and
beginning of the Kingdom on earth.”
Perhaps certain pastors have failed to emphasize
the appearance of the Kingdom; but not Christ’s
Church in her official teachings.
The Church is faithful to Christ, His Word and
His Mission. The Church proclaims and makes
present the Kingdom of God and of Christ.
Deo Gratias
And thanks again, brother Bernie, for the magnificent
images of Christ’s most beautiful, good and true
In Dr. Scott Hahn’s book, ” LETTER and SPIRIT:
From Written Text to Living Word in the Liturgy”,
this biblical theologian reminds readers of a treasure
revealed within Sacred Tradition.
When the Sacred Scriptures are proclaimed within
the liturgy the spiritual realities proclaimed are
made present and actualized. As such there is something
like a sacramental characteristic to Scripture that makes
the Kingdom of God ( to which the Scriptures refer)
really present in our liturgical midst.
Hahn didn’t dream this up. He demonstrates how
this has always been the reality of the liturgical
worship ushered in and transformed by Messiah Jesus.
As a matter of fact, didn’t the Messiah declare after
he read from the Prophet Isaiah, “Today this Scripture
has been fulfilled in your hearing”?
Christ Jesus makes God’s Kingdom present
and God’s Word in Scriptute makes Christ present
and as such makes His Kingdom present.
“From Written Text To Living Word In The Liturgy”
Imagine the powerful actualization of the Kingdom
of God in our midst (if/when) our proclaimers,
preachers and assembled worshippers apprehend
this mystery of faith.
A thunderous response of THANKS BE TO GOD
will be heard ” on earth as it is in heaven”!