Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Catholic Relief Services

October 2nd, 2013, Promulgated by b a

I received this email earlier today:

Dear Catholic blogger,
There appears to be a black-out among Catholic media outlets pertaining to recent developments regarding Catholic Relief Services. Recently, American Life League published a 248 page document that proves that in 2012, 86% of grants from CRS to domestically-based organizations went to organizations that commit abortion, distribute contraception, and perform sterilizations. Furthermore, we reported through our online video series, “The American Life League Report” (you can view it here: – also posted below) that CRS appears to adhere to a standard far below the one the Catholic Campaign for Human Development claims to hold, which is that “CCHD requires of each grantee the highest standards of accountability and conformity with the moral teaching of the Catholic Church.”

CRS responded to our report last week, completely dismissing the facts while mischaracterizing our intentions. This prompted an open letter from our president, Judie Brown. The press release for the open letter is here:

I hope you will report on this and share the information with your readers, as the general Catholic media appears to be avoiding the topic at all costs.



2 Responses to “Catholic Relief Services”

  1. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    I received the same email.
    Ben, thank you for posting it.

  2. Bernie says:

    I also received that letter.

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