Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Former Senator Alesi gets his reward for supporting SSM

September 4th, 2013, Promulgated by b a

Same-sex marriage opponents knock Alesi appointment

“Come on,” Brown said in a telephone interview. “Cuomo talks a lot about corruption, but when his buddies vote his way, he’s more than willing to give them a high-paying job in the administration. That’s all this is. Give me a break.”


3 Responses to “Former Senator Alesi gets his reward for supporting SSM”

  1. Hopefull says:

    Can’t be anybody surprised by this — and more if Cuomo gets the WhiteHouse. ALesi sold out in the view of many and now he’s collecting.

    Glad you put politics up, as I have a question. In Yates County the D.A. is running for re-election (real problems — like prosecutions that drag people through the courts and then end in “not guilty” verdicts, but I won’t go into that here) but imagine a level playing field for the sake of argument. The incumbent D. A. clearly identifies himself in his campaign literature as a Mason. We know that Catholics are not allowed to become Masons, but should they avoid voting for one too? Anybody have a reference?

  2. DanielKane says:

    “It profits a man nothing to sell his soul for the whole world, but for Wales?” said St. Thomas More to Richard Rich. Not even Wales but the unemployment appeals board? The price of souls has indeed dropped. May his Guardian Angel and patron saints provoke his conscience to repentance for the sin he allowed to flourish with his vote on our lands.

  3. Jim says:

    The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Andrew Cuomo is more corrupt than his father was! And Mario was pretty bad….

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