Thom Peters is a fine young theologian who offers his life for the service of the culture via mainly Catholic Vote. I have been following his work for years having been introduced to it by his father Ed Peters, a Canon Lawyer. Thomas was recently married and he is a stalwart, courageous voice for marriage. He has suffered many a “slings and arrow” on behalf of the truth. He has used his theology degrees not as a priest, brother or teacher but as a fighter in the public square on behalf of truth. He is a very well formed layman in the midst of the culture.
He is under 30 years old.
Yesterday he sustained a fractured 5th cervical vertebrae – a broken neck – in a swimming accident. He is in critical condition at the University of Maryland “Shock-Trauma” Center in Baltimore. His father reports he can move his right arm and he is responding well to the initial course of treatment. His lungs “are filled with water” and I suppose he nearly drowned.
This young man is a fearless apostle. Dedicated. Holy. Courageous. He is facing the battles of the culture head on. Now, he is facing a battle for his very life. We should all stop now and offer a prayer for his healing and the consolation of his new wife and of course his family. So many of us have children and in an instant everything can change.
God is a merciful God and he hears our prayers. Pray for Thom now.
He’s also one of the very few in the mainstream to have linked to this site (multiple times). Indeed, he is fearless.
Prayers for Tom and family. Speedy and full recovery for him, please, O God.
O God, Hear Us, Hear Our Prayer.
God has mysterious ways! Praying for Thomas and his family.
May he be healed, O Lord.
For more information, see here:
Many if not most of liberal sites only print favorable comments
Note – if the Spirit moves you, Tom and his wife are in need of donations for support, which can be made online throught the website Nerina posted.