Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Say the Black, Do the Red

June 11th, 2013, Promulgated by b a

A friend sent me this homily from Audio Sancto from a couple of weeks ago. I’ve embedded it below or you can go there and check out more of their resources.


Audio Sancto: Sermons in plain English on Catholic dogma, doctrine, and devotion.

I did a search for the book mentioned, “How to go to Mass and not lose your faith”, but I couldn’t find it in any stores. Google turns up some results of articles talking about it… I wonder if it was ever published in English.

For those interested, the latin mass is celebrated every Sunday at 1:30 at St. Stan’s. And in 12 days there will be a very rare solemn high mass celebrated by soon-to-be-ordained-father Peter Mottola. If you’ve never been to a latin mass before, this would be a mighty fine time to come and check it out. The church is absolutely beautiful, the worship is entirely reverent, and the music will be exquisite. You know how you love to read those books about the Saints and how they speak of the mass… well, this is the mass that they’re talking about. The typical novus ordo mass would be completely foreign to them.


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