Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Mass of Thanksgiving and Latin Mass Community’s 20th anniversay – June 23rd

June 2nd, 2013, Promulgated by b a

Reverend Peter Mottola will be ordained to the sacred priesthood on June 22 at Sacred Heart Cathedral. The next day Father Mottola will celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. The High Mass will be June 23rd at 1:30 p.m., at St. Stanislaus Kostka Church. The church is at the corner of Hudson Avenue and Norton Street.

The Mass is in thanksgiving for both Father Mottola’s ordination and the 20th anniversary of the Latin Mass Community in Rochester.

There is plenty of parking across the street from the church. Security will point you to the parking lot. You can also park behind the church. Restrooms are in the back of church. We also have a large narthex in case the younger members of your family get restless. The Latin Mass choir will sing, in polyphony, the ordinary parts of the Mass and full Gregorian chant propers will be sung by our Latin Mass chant schola.


6 Responses to “Mass of Thanksgiving and Latin Mass Community’s 20th anniversay – June 23rd”

  1. DanielKane says:

    The numbers may be dwindling, but the fellows coming up out of the minor leagues (to use a weak baseball analogy)are championship caliber players…Fr. Peter is a rock – solid fellow. Soundly formed, very holy and CONFIDENT IN HIS PRIESTLY IDENTITY. He (and his colleagues) are the future of the DoR and indeed the future seems bright. Bravo (soon to be) Father Peter!

    Ad multos annos!

  2. christian says:


  3. Choir says:

    Instead of being a “High Mass”, Father Mottola’s Mass with be Solemn High. This celebration of Mass is very rare in this diocese. Father has a deacon and subdeacon lined up. Hope you all can make it on the 23rd.

  4. Ron says:

    I could not make it. I hope it was a glorious celebration! Just having a new priest who will say the Mass in Latin is reason to celebrate.

  5. Diane Harris says:

    It was indeed a glorious celebration. Just what worship of God should be! Careful, faithful, obedient and awesome! Three of us drove together from Canandaigua (where Fr. Peter is coming to serve.) We were so happy to be a part of such a marvelous celebration. The church was very warm on such a hot day, but it did not detract one bit from the purpose or experience of the liturgy. Fr. Peter gave a short homily with a most moving reading on Eucharistic celebration and its broad ‘catholicity.’ Universality. His choice of a closing hymn (Faith of our Fathers) made us wonder if he too sees persecution possibly occurring in this country.

    We stayed for the traditional blessing after a priest’s first Mass and that too was moving. The holy card he chose was not a soppy ‘pretty picture’, but rather the pelican and its sacrifice of its own flesh for its young. Fr. Peter should feel at home in Canandaigua where a pelican is featured in the relief above the high altar!

  6. annonymouse says:

    Our diocese is indeed blessed that Father Peter has answered the call and will devote his life to his flock. Let us keep him (and new Fathers David and Michael) in our prayers!

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