A priest in good standing with the Diocese has informed us that it is “highly probable” that an announcement will be made on Tuesday regarding the naming of our next bishop. Stay tuned.
Tags: Perry-Watch
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A priest in good standing with the Diocese has informed us that it is “highly probable” that an announcement will be made on Tuesday regarding the naming of our next bishop. Stay tuned.
Tags: Perry-Watch
You’d better upgrade the Cleansing Fire server, Gen.
Thanks for the heads up.
I hope the new Bishop values
the contribution Cleansing Fire
has been making in defense
of the Catholic Church’s
Sacred Tradition.
Thank you,CF, for what you
have done for us who persevere
in the Catholic Faith.
I am sure there are many in leadership roles in the DOR who hate Cleansing Fire. Let’s hope for objectivity from the new bishop and that he will not be swayed by bias and hatred.
Couldn’t help but chuckle a bit over the fact that the informer is “a priest in good standing”. So, this lends credibility to the guess that Tuesday will be the day and raises the probability? Emphasizing his “good standing” doesn’t say much, since every diocesan priest who has not been suspended is in good standing, and this would include those priests that CF despises. This priest doesn’t know any more about it than most of us do. It’s a hunch that the announcement would be made before the bishops and archbishops and their staffs leave town for their summer vacation. And if it isn’t made at this time, then we may have to wait a few more months.
I wonder if they are already taking bets on how soon after his installation someone posting or commenting at this site will find something to critcize about the new bishop?
Does anyone think the “priest in good standing” actually knows the name of the new bishop?
I wonder if they are already taking bets on how soon after his installation someone posting or commenting at this site will find something to critcize about the new bishop?
So, betting on teh internetz to continue to be teh internetz?
Oops – that should be “criticize.” Sorry for the typo.
I didn’t even notice the typo until you pointed it out. 🙂 Rather, I can’t imagine such a thing as being a real bet because we have all types that comment here and the likelihood of unanimous absence of criticism is unlikely, just as it would be at any site.
I wonder if they are already taking bets on how soon after his installation someone posting or commenting at this site will find something to critcize about the new bishop?
I wasn’t aware that blind obeisance is a virtue.
(See — two can play this game!)
In any event, the posters on this site are people of goodwill; I’m sure they’ll support the new bishop with their prayers and patience. And I took “priest in good standing” to mean “priest who ought to know.”
I, for one, don’t despise any priests.
y2kscotty–waiting “a few more months” isn’t an option if the installation Mass is in August. So, frankly, it is a safe bet, even if there weren’t sources involved. Sources increase the credibility, which would be the purpose of citing them.
@y2kscotty…Pessimism isn’t a virtue, and if a priest told someone that the probability is good, why not put faith in it?….and how do you know that this priest doesn’t know more about it than most of us do?
Please don’t feed the trolls.
I get the sense from the pattern of Vatican announcements that our appointment is immanent. Today’s appointment notwithstanding (the See of Sapporo has been vacant for going on four years), there have been a number of appointments in dioceses that have been vacant (or have had retiring bishops) for a shorter period of time than Rochester has experienced. We are due.
And we oughtn’t DESPISE anyone, much less a priest, no matter whether we agree with him or not.
Joining Ben, there is not a person in the DoR that I “despise” or otherwise hold an ill will for. There is not one priest for certain that I despise or hold in any form of contempt. Disagreement on say (personally) on the prudence of same sex dating in a Catholic School is not the same a contempt and it does not even approach “despise”.
This Diocese, taken as a whole, (and I state this a a native that has left for 30+ years and has now returned) has had a very, experimental approach to the management of Parishes with priest shortages and catechesis of young people to the detriment of the Catholic Culture of Rochester and NYS. For sure, there are points of light here and there but by and large as a returning native, Catholicism here is a brand unto itself.
I look forward with tremendous hope to the ministry of the next Bishop of Rochester and for certain, the present and upcoming group of priests who are very clear with respect to their priestly identity and solidly formed. Someday, likely soon, we will have a new bishop and in him I have great hope and confidence.
I pray the Pope bipasses the appointment process if it continues to be corrupt. I pray he learns the names of holy priests he can personally recommend for bishops, all over the world. Jesus has few friends in the Vatican. Let us pray for the success of the Pope’s mission, especially when appointing bishops and cardinals.
Richard Thomas – hate to disappoint you, but with 1.2 billion Catholics, more than 400,000 priests, and more than 2,000 dioceses, what you propose is logistically impossible. The Holy Father must rely on the Congregation of Bishops and his Apostolic Nuncios around the world to identify good and holy candidates for the episcopacy. Possible candidates must be thoroughly vetted (as thoroughly as possible) and even then, we see that the process does not yield consistently good results.
I would love to know how you propose the Pope would simply “learn the names of holy priests” without a fairly involved, worldwide structure for doing just that.
You should take some comfort in the fact that the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, Cardinal Ouillet, was thought to be a serious candidate for the Roman cathedra.
Our Church is huge. Many pelates. It cannot be micromanaged. I am hopeful that, thanks to people here @ CF, made the abuses of the DOR known to the Vatican. Hopefully, that same processhas been done in other dioceses.
No, it is impossible for the Holy Father to know every priest, bishop and cardinal.
Hopefully, he will see through the trouble and damage caused by so many traitors here, and in other places in the developed world.
And I pray the Holy Father see through the workings of such evil people and that he counteract their ways. No one lives in a vacuum. I am sure he has some friends in many dioceses throughout the world. And names of holy priests can be learned through his connections.
It may not work every time but I just hope that the names of holy men are brought to his attention whenever possible to fill the position of bishop.
If you are connected, and have a network, there are many things you can accomplish.
What you propose is absolutely impossible. And it smacks of a bit of pride – to think that Rochester’s diocese, or any diocese, rates such treatment. I think you are vastly underestimating the size and scope of our Church today, a church that truly extends to the farthest seacoasts and all corners of the world. The Pope is shepherd of all. Go to google and type in “catholic hierarchy” and spend some time with that wonderful website – it is quite amazing to get a sense of the scope of our Church and how small a part of it our diocese, for all its troubles, really is.
And I really doubt that Pope Francis had very many connections in very many countries outside of Argentina. The man doesn’t even speak English, after all.
According to an article in the Courier, the Pope spoke to nuncios and told them what kind of bishop he wants: http://www.catholiccourier.com/news/world-nation/pope-tells-nuncios-to-help-him-find-new-bishops-who-are-meek-merciful/. So, our Nuncio and our Metropolitan have some discerning work to do. Meanwhile, we wait.
Our Metropolitan is a poor choice to participate in picking a new bishop for Rochester. It will be the old boys’ network all over again.
Not pride. Absoutely not. It’s the process of saving sould and doing all you can to ensure it gets done properly. And when there have been serious problems in a particular diocese for a long period of time, it only makes sense to make a special effort to right the ship, stop the bleeding
The Holy Father must rely on the Congregation of Bishops and his Apostolic Nuncios around the world to identify good and holy candidates for the episcopacy. Possible candidates must be thoroughly vetted (as thoroughly as possible) and even then, we see that the process does not yield consistently good results.
Rochester is a unique case, however. Clark was on Pope Benedict’s radar screen since at least the mid-80s when he was forced to edit a book on human sexuality that misstated Church teaching. And most observers are familiar with the CDF’s role in the Jim Callan/Spiritus Christi fiasco in the 90s. Perhaps that’s why Pope Benedict dismissed Clark so quickly, “firing” him in the words of one observer on this site. So it is very possible that the decision concerning Rochester’s new shepherd received more attention that is typical and may even have been set in motion before Pope Benedict abdicated.
*than* is typical, above
no bishop today, folks:
Rich, all you say is true. Bishop Clark was summarily dismissed, if not “fired.”
But the efforts to name his successor appear to not be any particular fast track at the Vatican. For the Vatican can and does move very quickly when it wants to – on June 6, the 75th BIRTHDAY! of the Bishop of Panev?žys, Lithuania, his resignation was accepted (the ink couldn’t have been dry on the resignation letter) and his successor was named. Today’s appointment was to replace a retiring bishop, one year and a few days after his 75th birthday – slightly older than +Clark.
So it seems to me that, as much as we may wish, Rochester is on no particular fast track and getting no particular care or attention.
The announcement did not come today, but is still expected by the close of the month.
Not today, eh….I sure hope it comes by month’s end….I think we’ve waited long enough!
I feel like a child at Christmas, waiting for Santa Clause
A national perspective of open Sees:
Vacant U.S. Sees: Bridgeport, CT (15 months), Portland, ME (13 months), DoR (9 months), Ft. Worth, TX (9 months), Marquette, WI (5 months), Wichita, KS (2 months), Harrisburg, PA (1 month).
Sees with Bishops over 75 years of age still serving: Chicago (17 months)*, San Angelo, TX (13 months), St. Cloud, MN (12 months), Jackson, MS (8 months), Hartford, CT (8 months), Springfield, MA (6 months), Houma-Thibodaux, LA (3 months).
* Since Cardinals retain papal conclave voting rights until age 80 it is not unusual for them to serve to age 80 provided that their health holds up. Cardinal George has fought off several cancers but still seems in pretty good shape and remains quite visible.
Not that there exists a “line” for bishops; but there are some dioceses that are “waiting” as long or longer for new appointments as us. But undoubtedly, we are near the top of the list.
This list is from the excellent website of Ed Peters, one of the finest Canon Lawyers around.
Does this “breaking news” from Michael Voris have anything to do with this “Tuesday” announcement? http://www.churchmilitant.tv/fullpreview/?vidID=vort-2013-06-25-a
Interesting Militia but I doubt that “all” of the Cardinals will be “broomed” because then in order to simply operate the largest organization in the history of the world, one would need to substantially increase the number of Cardinals and/or archbishops to simply run the Vatican shop and that has huge implications. I expect a piecemeal retirement and appointment process two by two.
Undoubtedly, there are fine, fine Cardinals in the Curia who should not be sacked – Burke, Hummes, O’Malley and Ouellet come to mind as solid, orthodox and loyal. But Francis has a clear mandate in his mind, a clear sense of style and once autumn arrives, there will be some openings in Rome for sure. But a clean sweep? Far too radical. It is always fascinating to be Catholic. Thanks for the link.
With all the trouble in Boston, I might question O’Mally as solid
Well, Richard, it seems that O’Malley is solid enough for Pope Francis. In what way do you think O’Malley is not solid?
1. The scandal where many in exectutive positions in the diocese were making more than $300,000 a year
2. The gay mass at St Cecelia’s that was held in spite of many many protests from the faithful. The parish is notorious for this kind of stuff, never takling about the need to be chaste but always talking about how being gay is a “gift”.
no bishop today:
Two things. Don’t hold your breath about he arrival of a new bishop. Second, all priests are in good standing unless they are removed.
@ Ben Anderson: Ben, is there an article in the Vatican News link concerning the possible election of a bishop for Rochester? I do not speak any Italian. 🙂
I shared the day’s Vatican news which didn’t include a Rochester appointment. I don’t read Italian either, but am hoping I can spot Rochester 🙂
From one point of view, it is regrettable that June ended with no naming of a new bishop for DoR. However, recent focus on the “gay mafia of the Curia” coincided with this same period of delay. I am prepared to believe that perhaps naming a new bishop was on track, but that Pope Francis realized the need to reassess who is making the recommendations to him, and to be very sure that none of his nominees in any way contribute to entrenching gays as priests, especially in the DoR, already damaged, where: 1) Bishop Clark wrote a column applauding gay priests “coming out” to him, 2) a whole truckload of priests signed a petition to the bishop on gay rights, which he then tried to indicate displeased him, 3)gay Masses weren’t unknown, and 4) blights like Fortunate Families and the LGBT “liaison” from the diocese even had a titled position in the DoR.
Now, one might ask, just whose recommendations are being considered in Rome for new bishop candidates? If the last few weeks have shown nothing else, consider that there is perhaps a litmus test being inserted into the process now to guard against the homophilia of hierarchy still in influential positions. The problem isn’t going away until all gay priests are eliminated from the priesthood or at least retired. But at least we can hope that taking the time to better check-out the candidates might at least lead to a bishop who sees gay priesthood as disordered, regardless of whether or not the individuals are celibate. I hope that the delay will be better purposed to this end, and that any input from Cardinal Dolan will be weakened by the realization of the visible support he heaped on Bishop Clark.
If not a new bishop, the next best thing is a new Encyclical completing the series on the theological virtues. Rocco Palma does the heavy lifting. http://whispersintheloggia.blogspot.com/
It’s wonderful new encyclicals are written but, unfortunately, as has been wittnessed in the last 33 years, such works are ignored by these bishops and priests.
Militia….if you think there is a priest shortage now, just Eliminating gay priests will make matters much, much worse.
@ ROBERT, come for a ride on the bus and we can talk about it….
I understand frustration about the developments and disappointments.
But try to see the good intentions of the CF family. We are Catholic who love the Lord Jesus and believe Sacred Tradition.
Robert, join us.
Militia, You have to statr somewhere. It was stated on Church Militant TV. Are active homosexual priests ready to defend the majesterial teachings and use them to help guide people in confession and in spiritual direction? Are they willing to preach the tough homilies on sexual morality? Or are they only capable of promoting dissent due to their lifestyle choices?
In the end, it’s their souls. If they cannot promote the majesterial teachings, perhaps it would be better for them to be removed from the priesthood.
LOL, Ben, you’re right….the word “Rochester” would stick out pretty plain in an Italian news paragraph!
Militia….if you think there is a priest shortage now, just Eliminating gay priests will make matters much, much worse.
Not if dioceses followed the examples of Lincoln, Arlington, etc. who have plenty of vocations by (gasp!) adhering to traditional and authentic Catholicism.
Robert, why are you shouting? And what do you mean about Msgr. Krieg? Are you saying he was the source of the rumor? Are you blaming him? I don’t get why he is being dragged into this. And I am grateful for the caring attention from CF members like Anthony Zarcone, giving us information and help. There is no need to be rude, Robert. If you don’t like what somebody writes, don’t read it.
Re priest shortage, peekaboo, I’d rather have 10% of the Masses with good, holy priests than 10x the Masses with those who can’t even follow Church teaching themselves.
Really militia? You have no idea the hypocracy of the church when it comes to “good, holy priests”. I’ve known a lot of priests around the country and I could count on one hand how many are good and holy. The brotherhood protects its own. They all know who the bad boys are and they keep their mouths shut. If a priest keeps silent about abuses he is just as guilty. Not only is this personal sin, it’s communal sin. We all need to wake up.
It might help if we clarify what is being argued about. It seems in one breath we are hearing about a priest-shortage crisis with the implication that it is a bad thing, and then next how evil they all are. Which is it?
Militia had written, “…at least we can hope that taking the time to better check-out the candidates might at least lead to a bishop who sees gay priesthood as disordered, regardless of whether or not the individuals are celibate. I hope that the delay will be better purposed to this end…”
Then later Militia added, “I’d rather have 10% of the Masses with good, holy priests than 10x the Masses with those who can’t even follow Church teaching themselves.”
Peekaboo wrote, “We all need to wake up.”
@ Militia, I tend to agree to both of your comments quoted above. The second first.
I prefer less priests if it means more good, solid, faithful teaching and shining examples of true witness.
As long as the unrepentant sinner priest’s intention to celebrate the sacraments is the same intention of the Church, the sacraments are valid. My concern is that the same dissident priest(s) who believe error and perhaps teaches error might not be celebrating and administrating the sacraments with the same intention as the Church.
So, whether priests are committing unrepentant sin or not, if they are deliberately avoiding teaching truth or actually teaching error, it is better to have them off the altar and out of the pulpit.
Regarding Militia’s hope that taking time to check out bishop candidates may prove helpful, I think that George Weigel would agree. In his book EVANGELICAL CATHOLICSIM pages 122-124 (criteria for selecting)Weigel asks,
1)”Does the man manifest a deep personal conversion to friendship with Jesus having made a deliberate choice to follow Christ?
2)Does the man take preaching and teaching as among his primary responsibilities(by) clearly, biblically, convincingy preaching already?
3)Can he correct Catholics who hold notions contrary to Scripture and apostolic tradition?
4) Can he make the Church’s evangelical proposal to unbelievers?
5)Has he ever brought Christians of other communities into full communion with the Catholic Church?
6)How does he celebrate Holy Mass? Does his liturgical ministry lead people into a deep experience of the Paschal Mystery? Is he regularly found with people in Eucharistic adoration?
7)How many men have entered the seminary under his guidance?
8)Does he have strength of conviction and character to make decisions though faithful to the Church’s teaching and practice but unpopular with other clergy and laity?
@ Peekaboo, I agree that waking up is a very healthy spiritual posture. With all due respect, I suggest, you help your self wake up by readoing George Weigel’s book “EVANGELICAL CATHOLICISM Deep Reform in the 21st Century Church”.
An important issue is parental education of children concerning moral issues, especially those pertaining to sexual ethics. IT’s for the spiritual, emotional and physical well being of our children that matters.
So as a parent, I would demand priests instruct and guide parents concerning educating their children. Parents need the tools to properly train their children.
And, not surprisingly, for the last 40 years, our clergy has been woefully deficient but I am at the point where I will begin demanding the clergy “step up to the plate” and start earning their keep!
I am not anxious to get the new bishop. The waiting, to me, gives me peace that the right one is being carefully and prayerfully selected.