Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Fortnight for Freedom Mass – Downtown OLV/SJ – Friday, 6/21, 12:10PM

June 17th, 2013, Promulgated by b a

st_thomas_moreThe St. Thomas More Lawyers Guild of Rochester, and The New York State Knights of Columbus Finger Lakes Chapter invites the community to prayer on the

Fortnight for Freedom Mass

“All that you ask for in prayer…shall be yours” ( Mark 12:24)

On the Feast days of St. Thomas More and St. John Fisher to pray for the intention of religious freedom

Friday, June 21, 2013
12:10 noon

Our Lady of Victory/St. Joseph Church
210 Pleasant Street, Rochester N.Y. 14604

Father Ronald Antinarelli, KCHS- Celebrant and Homilist


5 Responses to “Fortnight for Freedom Mass – Downtown OLV/SJ – Friday, 6/21, 12:10PM”

  1. Ben Anderson says:

    more info from the forwarded email I received:

    Dear Friend,

    I would ask you to forward this action alert to your friends and to any group leaders to relay the same through their newsletter and/or e-mail with their own personal message of action and the attachment to attend Our June 21st Mass for unified prayers.

    “In today’s world, religious freedom is more often affirmed than put into practice,” Pope Francis. June 8, 2013 Vatican Radio. . .

    Bishop Robert J. Cunningham, our Apostolic Administrator, has sent us his “wish (for) every success and blessing of the Lord as you join in the celebration of the Fortnight for Freedom.”

    The health care HHS mandates go into effect on Aug 1st!

    The US Bishops are calling on all faithful Catholics for a last chance effort of unified pray for our Religious Freedom Despite numerous efforts for accommodation of our deeply held, long standing Religious beliefs, similar to the conscientious objectors to war, the Obama administration and Secretary of Health Sebellius have refused, and are likely to continue their obstinate ideology.

    The second annual Fortnight for Freedom will take place from June 21 to July 4, and will consist of national and local efforts to educate Americans on challenges to religious liberty both at home and abroad. As with last year’s Fortnight, the event will begin and end with a special Mass

    Since the Diocese has elected to place all its resources to defeat Gov. Cuomo’s expanded abortion bill, (which we should fully and wholeheartedly support), we are the only organizations to my knowledge, which will be having an opening Fortnight for Freedom Mass in the Rochester Diocese on June 21st at Our Lady of Victory/ St Joseph Church, 210 Pleasant St, Rochester, NY at 12:10 pm with Father Ronald Antinarelli, KCHS as Celebrant and Homilist for the intention of Religious Freedom.

    Archbishop Lori:

    “Q: Why should Catholics still be concerned about these religious liberty concerns?

    A: Religious freedom is very, very fundamental to our human dignity and to the ministries of our church. That requires eternal vigilance. Our eyes might glaze over a little bit, but once in a while we need to be wide awake. This is one of those times. (emphasis added)

    The U.S. Supreme Court is going to be ruling on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and Proposition 8 (California’s amendment banning gay marriage, known as “Prop 8”), plus a whole host of other challenges to religious liberty that would potentially hamper the church’s role, not only in teaching the faith, but living the faith and enriching the lives of others. Hampering the church’s ability to do that is a detriment to the whole society. Defending religious freedom is an act of love for our own country. It respects the vision of our founders, and it respects human dignity, and it is essential for the common good and human flourishing. This is something we do as lovers of our country, as lovers of the American experiment in limited government.” . (see

    The St Thomas More Lawyers Guild- June10th, 2013

  2. Diane Harris says:

    Cuomo’s 10 point expansion of abortion bill has been introduced this morning. For more information see:

    In his inimicable style of disregard for opposition, it was introduced at about the last possible moment in the legislative session. In his secretive style, he drafted the law himself.

    As a friend tells me, we need to pray, over these next 3 days especially. Three days and Christ rose from the dead. In 3 days, let this bill go down to the netherworld.

    A rosary a day to keep Cuomo away.

  3. Diane Harris says:

    Weird happenings. When I sent the notice above, I had read the short story first and then sent the link. Shortly thereafter, I reopened the link and the title and time of story were the same but the text is different. Now it says that the IDC (Independent Democratic Conference) had introduced a 9-point bill last night, missing the abortion component (which would be cause for great rejoicing even if we don’t like all the other points.) How then did the “other” text get into this story? Did Cuomo introduce and pull it back? Did the newspaper have a prepared story they inserted by mistake? I think we will never know, but here is the link again, with a hopeful twist:

  4. christian says:

    Sorry for breaking into this post, but I thought this issue at hand of great importance – saving the unborn. Please write, e-mail, or phone your State Senator and ask him not support the Women’s Equality Bill which includes Abortion. You can go to and put your information in to find your senator if you do not know who he or she is.

    For Sen. Joe Robach R-District 56:
    Albany Office
    188 State Steet Room 803, Legislative Office Building
    Albany, NY 12247
    United States
    Phone: (518) 455-2909

    District Office
    2300 W. Ridge Road
    Rochester, NY 14626
    United States
    Phone: (585) 225-3650

    Or send him an e-mail via his page:

  5. militia says:

    How was the Mass at OLOV today? The homily? Was it well attended?

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