The St. Joseph Foundation in San Antonio, Texas, is a not-for-profit organization which represents both the ordained and laity in vindicating their rights within the Catholic Church. They do not charge for their services, because they believe we all should have access to pursue our Canon Law rights. That is why the Church codifies our rights, although it is often too expensive for individuals to pursue on their own. Hence, I believe the St. Joseph Foundation performs a valuable service, is faithful in its work, and worthy of support.
Their Newsletter is widely received not only by laity and the ordained in the US, but also in the Vatican, especially among Canon Lawyers and significant members of the hierarchy. Recently, I sought advice from the Foundation on where it would be best to publish a paper I had written regarding Reflections on the LCWR — the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Their very quick response was that the St. Joseph Foundation would like to publish it in their own Newsletter, Christifidelis. I was delighted to have them do so, and pleased that I would be able to publish through such a well-respected organization, both in their regular mailed Newsletter, as well as on line.
Note that the rest of this particular paragraph is not currently true, as their website is under repair. Therefore, I am uploading below the 4 pages on LCWR Reflections from the Newsletter for those who want to access it. [Their May 1, 2013 newsletter is now available on line, and can be foumd as the most recent entry under the Newsletters tab. However, to read more than the opening paragraph, it will be necessary to register. That is easy to do, and at no cost, and I can guarantee you won’t be spammed. However, registering will give access to much of interest on their website.]
I believe the LCWR article is timely, since Pope Francis, in his first 30 days in office, reaffirmed the needed reformation of women’s religious orders in the U.S. and, just this past weekend, a 70 year old nun in Kentucky got “ordained.” Many people are so poorly informed, and the popular press is so distorting, that there are those who now believe she is a priest. The reason I wrote this article on the LCWR and its disobedient push for women’s ordination is because I believe the Holy Spirit has put it on my heart to speak out on that destructive influence.
McQuaid Scandal
So the lead article in the May issue is this LCWR reflection, but the St. Joseph Foundation also picked up the scandalous behavior of Fr. Salmon and McQuaid’s permitting two SSA-boys to attend their junior prom as a couple. The same issue of Christifidelis contains a citation giving credit to Cleansing Fire for the lead. Kudos to the CF staff for exposing the situation and ranking high on Google for the exposition!
The St. Joseph Foundation does what is necessary in its own conscience for the protection of Church Teaching. In this instance, they will also be bringing the McQuaid situation to the proper congregation in Rome for its attention. They would appreciate any input, commentary, observations or petitions from anybody about the McQuaid situation. This would be an excellent outlet for feelings and concerns, especially from parents, students, alumni and supporters of McQuaid, but also from the community in general, noting the scandal and absolute refusal to moderate a foolish and/or sinful decision. You can reach the St. Joseph Foundation using the “contact” button on their website, or at:
The St. Joseph Foundation
11107 Wurzbach Suite 601B
San Antonio, Texas 78230-2570
Telephone: (210) 697-0717
Fax: (210) 699-9439
Tags: Catholic Schools, Homosexuality, LCWR, Women's Ordination Conference
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, May 1st, 2013 at 8:15 AM .
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First of all, congratulaions, Diane! From this posting, I’m headed straight to the link to read it… and to register, so thank you also for the lead to the St. Joseph Foundation and for bringing the DOR to their attention. All good stuff. God bless. +JMJ
Congratulations, Diane! An excellent paper. I too have spoken with a few sisters over the years who confided to me the struggle they endured, either to remain in the order, or to make the decision to leave because they were being forced to renounce their way of life as a Sister, and the charism of the foundress. The horror of it. May your labor of love bear much fruit. Happy Feast of St. Joseph the Worker! St. Joseph, pray for us.
Points of clarification: I’m the first one who notified you about the McQuaid situation, so, I, a non-Cleansing Fire person, “took the lead” and first “exposed” the situation here – and it had already been covered in the secular media anyway.
Ron is indeed correct that his comment (March 27th) on the Cardinal Dolan post was the first mention on CF of the Fr. Salmon/McQuaid debacle, regarding gay boys authorized to attend the junior prom as a couple. The next day after Ron’s post and other media coverage, Dr. K authored quite a significant post on the matter, which had 181 comments and responses, and led to other staff posts as well. (As Ron pointed out, the story had also been covered in the secular media prior to his own comment, or Dr. K’s posts.)
Nevertheless, a few additional points are worth making. It has been my observation (someone more technically oriented, please correct me if I am wrong) that the CF search engine picks up posts on CF, but does not pick up on words in the comments. Thus, anyone just looking at the CF site search, the word “McQuaid” is picked up in 4 articles during March and April 2013:
A McQuaid Alumnus Responds to Fr. Salmon
Sunday, April 14th, 2013 posted by Dr. K
A Case Study – McQuaid’s International Scandal
Thursday, April 4th, 2013
Posted by Dan Kane| 43 Comments »
An Esteemed Canonist on the McQuaid Debacle
(regarding Ed Peters’ Analysis)
Monday, April 1st, 2013
Posted by Dan Kane | 23 Comments »
Fr. Edward F. Salmon, SJ Allows Gay Couple to Attend McQuaid Prom
Thursday, March 28th, 2013
Posted by Dr. K| 181 Comments
When one Googles “McQuaid, Fr. Salmon, gay couple, prom”, the top listing on Google is generated by Dr. K’s post on March 28th. It is also #8 on the Google top 10 list. With this background, I’d like to explain my words above in case they rankled anyone:
“The same issue of Christifidelis contains a citation giving credit to Cleansing Fire for the lead. Kudos to the CF staff for exposing the situation and ranking high on Google for the exposition!”
First, I think it is logical for Christifidelis to give a citation to Cleansing Fire because the four articles in total, by Dr. K and by Dan Kane, represent a significant effort by CF staffers to recount the detail, and to keep the matter active, current and in front of the public. Exposing is not the same as breaking a story, which already had appeared first in the secular media, according to Ron.
The CF site is monitored by more people than we might think, and that these articles alerted the St. Joseph Foundation to the unfolding events merited the citation they offered. The CF stories were “leads” to Christifidelis to explore further in their own writing, and I think we should applaud their continuing to keep the matter also in the public eye and, especially, to launch an initiative to complain to Rome!
Finally, my kudos to the CF staff for exposing the situation through their detailed reporting (as evidenced by such a prominent position on Google, and by Christifidelis’ citation) is well deserved, I believe. That is not to say that ideas, leads, comments on various posts aren’t useful and appreciated (although I don’t know if Ron or the popular media stories or something else stimulated Dr. K’s post) but perhaps not everyone realizes that most posts aren’t quick “off the top of head” essays, but require quite a bit of behind the scenes work. For that, kudos to the CF staff also seem in order. And I’m also grateful for all comments, including Ron’s, whether they lead to further posts or not.
While I don’t think this explanation is really necessary, it does seem to be an opportunity to shed some light “behind the scenes.”
Ron, from reading some of your other comments, I get that you’re a stickler for details, but I have to ask (cue the Hillary Clinton histronics), “at this point, what does it matter?” Seriously, though. You made one comment on a public story. So?
Yes, I do prefer people to be accurate and fair in their comments, especially when they are writing about Church matters (I tend to hold defenders of the faith to high standards). I also prefer it when people are humble enough to admit it when they make a mistake, and who avoid being snarky or boastful in their posts and comments. I laud Ben and Dr. K, for example, for the quality and tenor of their posts and comments.
Ron, I’m befuddled as to your complaint – is it simply that Diane gave kudos to the CF staff rather than to you? In the interest of humility, is it that important?
The complaint is a general one about an attitude I’ve seen here in “some” posts. I don’t need kudos for myself; if the post had not been worded the way it was, I wouldn’t have said anything.
OK–now I’m the one who is confused! What “way” the post was worded? In my long comment, I explained the post; I didn’t reword it or apologize for it. I explained it. So what was it that you mean, Ron, by “if the post had not been worded the way it was….”
This is what I had said in the post, and I didn’t change anything and I still haven’t changed anything:
“…but the St. Joseph Foundation also picked up the scandalous behavior of Fr. Salmon and McQuaid’s permitting two SSA-boys to attend their junior prom as a couple. The same issue of Christifidelis contains a citation giving credit to Cleansing Fire for the lead. Kudos to the CF staff for exposing the situation and ranking high on Google for the exposition!”
1. The St. Joseph Foundation did pick up their lead from CF, which they read, and for which they gave a citation, and I doubt that they even noticed the comment by Ron on an earlier, unrelated post re Cardinal Dolan.
2. And I do give Kudos to the CF staff (Dr. K and Dan Kane, explicitly) and I still do, for exposing the situtation. They got so many hits that it is a top ranker on Google.
So, I still don’t understand what Ron means by “if the post had not been worded the way it was….” What “way?” Aren’t we all here to benefit Christ’s Church by what we offer on this site?
Sorry to upset everyone’s peace. Bad habit of mine.
Since no one mentioned it yet…
Interesting title of this piece. But upon signing up for CF and reading the actual article, I must say that was a nice turn of phrase with the ‘L’ word. Kudos Diane.
And seeing other contributions from Matt Archbold, Dr. Peters, and a teaser review of James Hitchcock’s new Church history book, it is obviously a quality publication. You are in good company Diane. Or should I say, they are!
Thank you for all the supportive and kind comments here and in emails sent to me. I am grateful that we ‘stand together’ for Christ’s Church. Those interested in this particular subject may find fascinating reading in the words of Bishop Blair (who chaired the LCWR assessment committee) and gently but clearly provides his input at this link: