Today I received a forwarded message bumped along a few times before reaching my inbox. I found it to be quite encouraging (not what Cuomo’s trying to do, but the fact that people are fighting it).
On April 15, in just 6 days, Catholics, Protestants, and people of goodwill will be gathering in Albany, New York to give witness to the sanctity of every human life and to register opposition to Governor Cuomo’s plans to expand abortion services in New York State. New York already loses over 100,000 children each year to abortion. Weakened legislation and non-physician providers will only increase the number of casualties. Perhaps you are pro-life in your heart, but have never been able to do anything specific to make your feelings known. Now is the time to act. Please come to Albany on April 15 and be part of this important witness to the goodness of life. Busses are departing from locations throughout the Diocese, the cost is $25 round trip and $15. for students. Please make the sacrifice of time to come to Albany. You may register by calling 585-750-7524 or e-mailing (from Jann Armantrout, Diocesan Life Issue Coordinator).
I will be going to Albany, and I hope that some of you can join me. Here is the bus schedule. If you are interested, please let me know as soon as possible.
Candlelight Vigil April 15 2013.pdf
Candlelight Vigil Bus Schedule Thruway route April 15, 2013.doc
What recently came to mind was how some people are attacking Pope Pius XII saying he did not do enough to save Jews during the Holocaust, or worse yet, that he was in compliance with Hitler. This is being said even though he spoke out publicly against Hitler in 40 of 44 speeches he gave during that time frame, the only safe place for Jews in Europe at the time was in Rome under the Vatican’s protection (they were ousted from many other European countries at different times), he personally opened up Vatican properties and gave orders to other priests and bishops to also do so in their areas of influence, and was highly praised by many of the Jewish people in power for saving hundreds of thousands of Jews (great information on this topic can be found in the book “The Myth of Hitler’s Pope”, by Rabbi David Dalin). Even still, 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust – an unfathomable tragedy.
Imagine what will be said about OUR generation . . . Since 1973 in the U.S. alone, 56 million babies have been killed through abortion. What have we done to stop the holocaust of our time? When history looks back, when our children or grandchildren ask us what WE did to stop the killing, what will we tell them? In just a few generations, the heroic acts of Pope Pius XII are being erased and history is being rewritten. What will be said about us? Will we have left enough of a mark to refute those trying to cover up the pro-life movement? If we don’t take a stand now, while it is being proposed that abortion become a fundamental and untouchable right here in NYS, what happens after this may not matter. Please consider taking action. Below you will see articles where you can take action online, or where you can learn more about what is going on right now to cover up the evils of abortion.
There is also a talk on Adult Stem Cell usage by Rev. Jason McGuire at St. John of Rochester tomorrow night at 7:00 PM that might be of interest, and a talk on Theology of the Body/Natural Family Planning/NaProTECHNOLOGY (fertility care that follows the Church’s teaching) here at St. Louis on Thursday, April 11 at 7:00 PM (both flyers are below). There are now two recently trained physicians here in Rochester in the field of NaProTECHNOLOGY for the first time ever (the closest previously were in NYC), and they will be speaking. This is an exciting time!
Thank you for your prayers and for all you do to build a Culture of Life in our world.
Kathleen Mc Mahon
Pastoral Associate, Social Ministry & Justice
St. Louis Church
64 South Main Street
Pittsford NY 14534
office: 585-586-5675 x228
2013 Adult Stem Cell with Rev Jason J. McGuire ASCI Lecture PosterFinal.pdf
Abortion doctor on trial Dr Kermit Gosnell Philadelphia April 8 2013.docx
April 11 2013 flier Theology of the Body, NFP and NaProTECHNOLOGY.docx
MEMORANDUM OF OPPOSITION Abortion Expansion Bill NYS Catholic Conf March 2013.docx
Check your #’s…60 Million? I think it was 6 million Jews plus 5 million Christians. But, we’ve killed more with abortion and other killing!
Thanks for catching that extra “0”, Robert. I fixed it.
This email reminds me of a comment by ‘mouse:
I was thinking that, Ben, when I read Ms. McMahon’s impassioned plea.
I expect that Deacon Sciolino probably knows we’re writing about him, and that he takes some perverse pride that those Cleansingfire crazies have their crosshairs on him, but that he is oblivious to the hypocrisy of one who, in league with perhaps our area’s most prolific abortionist, criticizes Pius XII for “not doing enough to stop the slaughter.”
Try to get reservations in asap….there are several busses going from Buffalo, stopping in Rochester, Auburn, Syracuse and on to Albany (as well as a Souther Tier route for others). Rochester pickups are in the MarketPlace and Eastview area. Call 585-750-7524 for more info.