Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Monthly Link Roundup

April 29th, 2013, Promulgated by b a

Much has happened since the last time I posted a link roundup. Here’s my attempt to keep up (some local, some not). All commentary is mine unless it’s quoted or indented.

CC: Three to enter priesthood June 22 By Mike Latona

Assaulted by gay activists, Belgium archbishop closes eyes and prays

It’s being called a most remarkable example of gentleness in the face of a vile attack. The leader of the Catholic Church in Belgium, Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard kept his eyes closed in prayer as four topless lesbians attacked him with shouts and curses and doused him with water.

Cuomo’s abortion expansion in the D&C:

Staff Writer Jessica Alaimo: Pro-life group prepares to fight clause in Women’s Equality Act

Unbundle Abortion Plank from Women’s Bill
Janice O’Rourke is on the good guy’s side.

Jann Armantrout’s Guest essay: Don’t sidestep democracy on abortion issue

Women’s Equality Act needs a “pro-fact” movement
Blogger David Grome calls Jann’s post dishonest. Interesting to note that his profile states “I hope to foster dialogues that bridge the gaps between generational, racial, political, economic, ethnic, social and spiritual divides. To achieve this goal, I will create positive spaces that capture the moments when people do things right.” I guess calling people dishonest helps to accomplish this.

Have you heard of Ed Feser? No? You should – he’s voicing interesting stuff you might not be aware of. Perhaps starting here would be good:

Fr. Scalon on the unfinished business of Vatican II
Fr Scanlon: “Dissent is entrenched in the Church in the U.S.” Ya know, some say the tide is turning… and I like to be positive, but we shouldn’t be too quick to sugar coat things. We have a major problem with dissent here in the US AND a major problem with a good chunk of the bishops being too weak kneed to address the problems. We must continue to fight for Our Lord.

Episcopal Attacks on Orthodox Catholic Blogs by Dr. William Oddie
This is truly excellent. Aquinas defends CleansingFire!

Do you get Calvin and Hobbes emailed to you every day? Why not? It’ll brighten your day. (First do your morning devotions, of course)

The “New” Tone of U.S. Bishops Sounds Very Familiarby George Neumayr

Have you heard of the Cardinal Newman Society? I’ve often looked to this organization as a good model for CleansingFire (and proof that it can be done right). Patrick J. Reilly sure does a good job. I saw him on EWTN once and thought, “he is totally validating the need for CleansingFire”.

The Vampire School by Anthony Esolen
Cuomo wants to lengthen school days and promote free pre-K for all. What he doesn’t know is that this won’t help because “The Vampire School drains the life out of learning, producing dull workers for the Vampire State.” Why won’t these libs recognize that Without healthy families you can kiss the Great American Economy goodbye. by Patrick F. Fagan

MATTHEW ARCHBOLD asks What Happened to Dads?. My guess is video games, hypersexualized entertainment in TV/movies/Internet, and everything else that Satan uses to sedate those who should rise up and attack evil with virtue.

Kids at mass. We’ve visited this topic before here: Smelly, Noisy, Squirmy Children at Mass. I heard “Dr. Greg” discussing the topic on Al Kresta’s show last week. Turns out that his article was about as ridiculous as the interview.

While I respect the intention behind it, a parent who leaves a child at home “until they are old enough” is being unjust regarding the child’s religious education.

oh puhleeze. I love Catholic radio, but it’s good to constantly ask the question of how much weight should we give to the moral authority of professional Catholics


2 Responses to “Monthly Link Roundup”

  1. Jim says:

    Ben, A lot of good food for thought here. I saw the video of the Belgium Archbishop, and had to laud his saintly attitude, in the presence of a pretty nasty, hate fueled confrontation! His quiet, prayerful response was one that will not easily be forgotten.

  2. Scott W. says:

    Details are sketchy at the moment (and in French), but to go along with the attack on the Archbishop, but it appears in a French protest of same-sex marriage, one of the protesters was stabbed four times by homosexual activists. I saw the story here:

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