Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Bishop Watch – 4/18/13

April 18th, 2013, Promulgated by Dr. K

Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Bp. Walter A. Hurley of the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Bp. Hurley had been serving 11 months since reaching the mandatory retirement age of 75. Fr. David J. Walkowiak of Cleveland will be his successor. This is the third American bishop appointment made by our Holy Father in the past ten days.

Here are the current lists of bishops serving past 75 and vacant sees. The Diocese of Rochester is #5 in the vacant see list and #8 overall.

Bishops serving past 75
1. Card. Francis George, Chicago [15 months]
2. Bp. Michael Pfeifer, San Angelo [11]
Bp. Walter Hurley, Grand Rapids [11]
3. Bp. John Kinney, St. Cloud [10]
4. Bp. Joseph Latino, Jackson [6]
5. Abp. Henry Mansell, Hartford [6]
6. Timothy McDonnell, Springfield [4]

Vacant sees
1. El Paso [17 months]
2. Bridgeport [13]
3. Portland, Maine [11]
4. Oakland [9]
5. Rochester [7]
6. Ft. Worth [7]
7. Marquette [3]
8. Wichita [1]



2 Responses to “Bishop Watch – 4/18/13”

  1. annonymouse says:

    The Chicago appointment will tell us much – I assume that will be announced in the not-too-distant future. If Benedict were still our Holy Father, I think Bishop Olmsted would be a logical choice. Abp. Gregory, formerly an auxiliary in Chicago, is a real possibility. We shall see.

    With respect to the Rochester appointment, it is important to note this – one thing that has not (to date) changed in Rome is the composition of the Congregation of Bishops, including its prefect, Cardinal Ouellet. Those who yearn for a Bishop of Rochester in, shall we say, “continuity” with the recent past are very likely to be disappointed, I will wager.

  2. Diane Harris says:

    A new bishop has just been named to the Diocese of Oakland, Reverend Michael Barber, SJ, 58. He has been Director of Spiritual Formation at St. John’s Seminary, Archdiocese of Boston. With Cardinal O’Malley as an advisor to Pope Francis, perhaps we will see more priests from Boston moving about? Or will we see more SJ’s? If we do get an SJ, would he clamp down on the abuses at McQuaid? So many questions, so few answers!

    Bishop Joseph McFadden, who led the Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg for the past three years, died unexpectedly yesterday, after feeling ill. He was 65. We now have another sede vacante.

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