Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Fr. Tomasso Resigns His Post

March 9th, 2013, Promulgated by Dr. K

Posted to the Our Lady of Peace (Geneva) Facebook page and in the upcoming bulletin:

“From Father Paul:
Thank you for your many cards and good wishes. I never expected my absence to be so extended. Medical issues in early February delayed my entrance into cardio rehab. Those issues were examined and I finally have begun rehab at a center near Unity Park Ridge Hospital in the suburb of Greece,  N.Y. The diocese told me in January to remain in  Rochester for cardio rehab and not return to work at  least until it was completed, and so I have.

fr paul tomassoAfter recent conversations with diocesan staff I  have decided to resign as pastor of Our Lady of  Peace Parish, effective the end of June, and seek  hopefully a smaller assignment. By resigning at this time notification to priests that Our Lady of Peace Parish will become vacant can be included in the  “first round” of advertised openings for those who  might apply. That “first round” of advertised openings was distributed to priests and eligible administrators this past week. Possibly a new pastor might be announced later this month or early in April.  However since we do not yet have a bishop for our  diocese, Bishop Cunningham most likely will appoint an administrator who the new bishop will later appoint as pastor.  I have greatly enjoyed being with you at Our  Lady of Peace.”

Our prayers are with Fr. Paul Tomasso as he heals from these medical difficulties.

In his absence, Fr. Hoan Dinh, Fr. Jerome Robinson (Archdiocese of Mobile), Deacon Sergio Chavez, and several area priests have handled the pastoral care of St. Francis and St. Stephen churches.



4 Responses to “Fr. Tomasso Resigns His Post”

  1. Dr. K says:

    We will comment on the upcoming pastoral appointment season at a later time.

  2. Jim says:

    Fr. Paul and I were in the seminary many years ago. I wish him well and a speedy recovery.

  3. eyeondor says:

    I wish Father well and pray he is able to find a small assignment that will help keep him healthier.

  4. Dan Riley says:

    Father Tomasso closed Holy Family parish, Saint Francis of Assisi parish and Saint Anthony’s parish in the City of Rochester, starting in June of 2000.

    He became vicious with the parishioners who opposed the closings. The 3 parishes should not have been closed. Yes, we now know that Father Tomasso was following Bishop Clark’s orders, but he marched in like a Nazi soldier to do the job.

    All of the parishioners were supposed to go to Holy Apostles on Lyell Ave. It is sad to see that Holy Apostles has about the same number of parishioners today, as they had before the 3 parishes were closed. Many outraged parishioners stopped going to Mass.

    Father Tomasso, Bishop Clark and the rest of us will stand before the Lord, sooner than we think.

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