Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

How We Select a New Pope & an Update

February 19th, 2013, Promulgated by DanielKane

Vatican Insider does the heavy lifting. It is a well done interactive piece.

On a personal note, I have been rather silent of late because of a sad reason.

My family and I re-located to CNY to care for my aging father in law Bob in 2006. At that time, we thought this would be a 6 to 9 month move-in. However, the Lord had a better plan in mind and now approaching seven years in CNY the passing of Bob is in reasonable sight.  My father in law, Bob is a retired grammar school teacher and has suffered the withering effects of Parkinson’s Disease for an astonishing 30+ years. He has quite literally died by the millimeter. The pace of the progression is astonishingly slow. Nonetheless, his suffering is beginning to conclude, in the predictable manner. Hospice is in place and it has been day to day for about a month. Needless to say, this has properly demanded 100% of my attention.

If in your charity, you could remember Bob in your Lenten prayers and sacrifices, it would be appreciated. At the moment, Bob is comfortable, conscious at a few precious times, and all is very serene and peaceful. For this, I am very grateful.  We have not yet had to resort to narcotic sedation for pain and anxiety control.

It is much, much easier to write about the Gospel of Life than it is to live it. But the graces of God remain limitless and are never in short supply so that it may be lived with vigor despite the inadequacies and weaknesses of our human nature.


6 Responses to “How We Select a New Pope & an Update”

  1. Gretchen says:

    I will offer my prayers and sufferings for your family. And may Blessed John Paul II give you strength, comfort, and peace!

  2. Bernie says:

    May he rest in Peace and may you and yours find comfort.

  3. Choir says:

    I’ll pray for Bob and his family. God bless you and may He give you the strength to endure as Christ endured His Passion.

  4. annonymouse says:

    May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. You and your family are in my prayers.

  5. eyeondor says:

    Please accept my loving prayers during this difficult time for your family.

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