Canon Law does not allow for acceptance or rejection of a Pope’s resignation, only that he clearly declare his intent and avow he resigns freely, which Pope Benedict XVI did, on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. No doubt, he chose the date with deliberate intention.
Then, hours later, did God speak? Just before 6PM, the hour of the Angelus (6AM Angelus commemorates the Resurrection, noon commemorates Christ’s suffering and 6PM commemorates the Incarnation) — yes, just before 6PM, lightning struck the Dome of St. Peter’s. What does this mean? Did God say “yes?” Or did He say “no?” Canon Law is silent. It is certainly hard to say this is a “coincidence.” The BBC carried these pictures this morning. Go to to hear the report.
I love your gift for posing the question, a true and good attorney thou art! Of course, lightning strikes on the dome of St. Peter’s are a regular occurrence, so as omens go, it’s diminished by the frequency. It has gotten people’s attention, tho.
We have been so blessed by Pope Benedict who has humbly and courageously undertaken the office of the Vicar of Christ on Earth. He truly loves each person on earth with his Fatherly love for us. He has demonstrated that love by working and praying hard! We can each look at Pope Benedict and say, My father loves me. Thank you, Papa Benedetto! Being Pope must be like running a marathon all the time. Certainly Our Lord gives the Pope great graces of office, but still, the rigors of the office are monumental, and I’m sure no man could last a day as the pope without those special graces, and the manly resolve to work and pray hard every moment.
We are also graced to live in a time when our elderly Pope, parents, aunts, uncles and friends are often able to live longer than in previous times due to the assistance of advanced medical procedures, medicines, greater knowledge of good nutrition, etc. So, a hundred years ago, a stroke probably would have carried our Holy Father away before now. With this context, I am confident that Our Heavenly Father does indeed accept the Pope’s resignation. We have only the greatest gratitude and praise to God for the Pope’s fatherly guidance of the Church during these past several years.
Now along with praying for my own conversion, I will be praying for the Cardinal electors that they be open to the Holy Spirit in the selection of the next Pope. Ad multos annos, Papa!
Interesting — that letter “Y” above the Dome….. first letter of four?
Thank you for putting something in above that lady in the red poncho.
Cara militia, Per Diane’s pithy pose, I would rather think that, if God is speaking English rather than Latin or Italian or German, it is the first letter of three… Happy Ash Wednesday! Make it count, as they say.
Just an FYI… the Vatican was celebrating a state holiday on February 11 as well as the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes… they celebrate on that day the Vatican’s establishment as a state, which occurred in 1929.