Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Friday Link Roundup

January 25th, 2013, Promulgated by b a

Thought I’d just share some interesting articles I ran across recently (some local, some not):

D&C: Hundreds from Rochester protest Roe v. Wade

D&C: U.S. Supreme Court asked to hear Greece lawsuit

Catholic Courier and other Catholic groups are once again trying to pretend that Catholics have no room for debate on prudential issues. (note Sr. Carol Keehan in the picture – the CEO of the Catholic Health Association of the United States who helped push Obamacare through).

Catholic Courier – Hispanic ministry plan unveiled (Would any Hispanic readers care to comment?)

Peter Lawler – The Era of Progressive Ascendancy as Branding Error?

Rochester Regional Library Council has archived the Catholic Courier back to 1889 (CC announcement here)

YNN: Catholic Schools Gain Foothold Five Years After Closings

Denver Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila: 40 Years of the Culture of Death: A Pastoral Letter on the Occasion of the Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade

Justice Scalia’s headgear for the inauguration – a custom-made replica of the hat depicted in Holbein’s famous portrait of St. Thomas More.

Full Text of President Obama’s Inaugural Address

CWR – The Church, Nonprofits, and Taxes

The latest excommunication call – Dr. Edward Peters says Cuomo should not be excommunicated and those calling for it are simply ignorant of canon law.

NYS Catholic Conference: Statement on Gov. Cuomo’s abortion expansion proposal
Contact your legislators here.

I got this response from Assemblyman Mark Johns:

Dear Constituent,
Thank you for your correspondence expressing your opposition to the Reproductive Health Act. As of this writing, the only legislation has been presented in the State Senate (bill S438) and not in the State Assembly. While New York State has been a leader in reproductive health rights for decades, I feel that we must prevent the need for abortions and I will not support the Reproductive Health Act. Meanwhile, I would encourage you to contact your representative in the State Senate to express your opposition to this legislation. Again, thank you for taking the time to write and share your thoughts with me. Please don’t hesitate to contact my District Office in Fairport with any additional concerns.
Mark Johns
Member of Assembly
135th District

I think that’s good, right? …but it also seems rather ambiguous. Why is it so hard to say, “I absolutely oppose abortion on demand?”

Got any other links to share? Paste them in the comments.


16 Responses to “Friday Link Roundup”

  1. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    Father Frank Pavone and Michael Voris in
    Washington, DC MARCH FOR LIFE–with-michael-voris

  2. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    “Catholic Courier – Hispanic ministry plan unveiled (Would any Hispanic readers care to comment?)”

    Yo no soy hispanico, pero me gustaria escribir. Gracias.

    A Diocesan plan……..a diocesan hispanic ministry plan!

    Ok, there are many Catholics of hispanic origin in the Diocese of Rochester.
    That is a good thing. We are the Catholic Church. We are universal.

    Is the desire to do liturgy, prayer, studies, RCIA etc in Spanish because our beloved hispanic brothers and sisters want to pray, worship, study and learn in their original first tongue)? If so, that is a good thing too.

    Do these our beloved hispanic brothers and sisters resist praying, worshipping, studying and learning in English? Is there pressure put on non-Spanish speaking clergy and laity to adapt to the Spanish language because of a resistance on the part of some to pray, worship, study and learn in English? If so, that is not a good thing.

    I don’t know whether there is this resistance and pressure, yet I find it ironic that priests whose original language (first tongue) is English, for example, are sent to various Latin American or South American countries to be immersed in the language and culture there so that they can minister effectively here.

    Why is it that those who are now here, and perhaps originally from somewhere else, don’t immerse themselves in the culture and language here?

    Now before anyone accuses me of being anti-hispanic or something less than universal (catholic), for years I have been picking up some bits and pieces of Spanish. Spanish is a beautiful language. Me gusta leer y escuchar la palabra de Dios en espanol. (It is pleasing to read and listen to the Word of God in Spanish.)

    As a matter of fact, I have ministered in Spanish. For example, on the Vigil of Pentecost none of the parish’s hispanic members volunteered to do any of the readings and Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini relied upon me to do two readings in Spanish, one from the Old Testament, another from the New. (The next day one of the Anglo priests corrected some of my “mispronunciation”. That was an interesting experience!)

    So I am not against celebrating the Word of God and the One Savior of the world in various tongues.

    The point is, none of the parish’s many hispanic brothers or sisters made themselves available for the liturgy of the Word. Was it because the Vigil was celebrated at Annunciation and not Corpus Christi (OLA) or at Saint Michael’s?

    So, who is assimilating? Why is assimilation helpful? And why is there resistance to assimilate?

    Before Saint Andrew Catholic Church on Portland Avenue was closed and sold, Catholic brothers and sisters literally from all over the world made up the demographics of our worshipping community; including a number of Hispanic families. Everyone made the effort to learn the English prayers of the liturgy of both the Word and of the Eucharist.

    We were a beautiful sight; a truly Universal and Catholic image of the Bride of Christ.
    But somehow we didn’t fit into the Diocese’s future hispanic ministry plans for the North East of Rochester. Nope, we were closed and sold and now many of us have been scattered. Lo siento mucho. (I am very sorry.)

    Lastly, no matter what language is used in this hispanic ministry plan, may its implementation help actualize the New Evangelization and encourage participation in The Year Of Faith. Any thing less, is not good enough.

    The Plan should be all about Jesus and our conversion/faithful obedience to the LORD.


  3. Jim says:

    I was fascinated by the old Catholic Couriers Journals!! From the 1950s…countless stories of building new churches and schools; an article about how the baby boom continues to rise in New York State; the Legion of Decency marked the movie ratings, and the numbers of men and women making retreats in the diocese soars to over 1000! It made me feel good to see what a prosperous diocese we once were, but sad to see how it is now…

  4. JLo says:

    Strange indeed that priests are sent to Spanish language countries to soak in and learn that language so that they can return here and minister to a group of people who expect to live in America and NOT soak in and learn the language of this country.

    Make sense? Of course not. Fair and just to other Americans? Of course not. Just more results of bleeding-heart liberalism that costs much and fundamentally helps no one. I grew up in a melting-pot neighbrhood where many different accents could be heard in the English spoken by people from many other countries who loved the heritage they brought with them but were so very happy to be here and immersed in things American.

    Can’t help it… I have no patience for those who expect to encircle themselves in their foreign roots and actually expect the rest of us to conform to their PERSONAL vision. Perhaps the very first thing that should be required of all who come here is a study of the term melting pot and their PERSONAL responsibilities to the dreams of others before them that made this country so great.

    Then we can all work together for common cause… a return to greatness… and stop with this endless individual rights drive that has such people looking in mirrors and wearing blinders so they can only see themselves as they set themselves apart and expect to be thanked for it! My immigrant grandparents would be appalled.


  5. Richard Thomas says:

    J Lo,

    That’s the problem with our Church and country. There is no longer a sense of National Identity and that has been purposefully destroyed. A recent post describing life in the Diocese of Atlanta indicated that there are many Hispanics but different nationalities. For someone to think all Hispanice are alike is rash judging. Mexicans, Guatamalans, Costa Ricans, Panamanians. All culturally different. Someone in the CHurch has to “Discover the wheel”

  6. munoz271 says:


    Unfortunately, and with no disrespect intended, this is the response of many regarding Hispanic Ministry. Many misunderstand it as an emphasis on the “language”. Hispanic Ministry is NOT about praying, worshipping, or such in SPANISH (there are many young families who’s first language is English), it’s the whole sense of the Hispanic spirituality. There are so many differences in the way I as a Latina worship compared to a non-Hispanic. I grew up worshipping within a Latino culture not a language.

    One example of the differences is Marian worship. There is no comparison when it comes to Hispanic Marian devotion and American Marian devotion; for a Latino, Mary is part of who we are as a people (ex: the story of Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe), our faith is even part of our language. There is a rosary in every home, each Hispanic country has their own Marian patroness (Puerto Rico: Our Lady of Providence, Cuba: Caridad del Cobre, Mexico: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Dominican Republic: Our Lady of Altagracia and the list goes on).

    Our faith is also part of our culture and language. When I enter my parent’s house and before I leave my greeting and farewell is “Bendición Mami” meaning Mom I ask for your blessing. My mother’s answer is “Dios te bendiga” (God bless you). We do not say Adios/Goodbye. Even the farewell word “adios” means “go to God”. We worship with a family mentality. Our Church is sacred to us, our faith is sacred to us regardless in what language we express it.

    Religious Cultural Traditions are also a major part of who we are. Celebration of the Sacraments are essential in our lives. They mark special milestones and maturity. Our faith is taken very seriously.

    Before these types of comments are made and expressed, please do some research and talk with the facts under your belt. Que Dios les bendiga (May God bless you). Adios.

  7. munoz271 says:


    “I grew up in a melting-pot neighbrhood…” Would you rather live in a “melting-pot” where everyone is congealed into one mass of _______ (what)? Or would you rather live in a beautiful orchestra where each instrument gives off it’s own unique sound and together resonate into one ensemble of beauty by complementing each other? I would rather be the orchestra because if I were part of the melting-pot, what would we look like, who would we look like? I’m pretty sure you’d want us to look or be like you because that’s what you would feel most comfortable with and I probably would want everyone to look or be like me because that’s what I’m used to. We were each created in God’s own image with each our own unique gifts. I don’t think God has us pegged to look, conform to or be like anyone else but who He created us to be and share who we are with others so we can complement each other. Adios.

  8. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    Thank you for your response.

    If I understand correctly, the plan’s emphasis
    will be on Hispanic spirituality as you described it.

    Will Spanish language usage lessen
    as more young Hispanic families are ministered
    to by means of the Hispanic ministry plan?

    Also, please help me understand the rationale
    for sending non-Hispanic clergy to Spanish speaking
    countries for extended periods of time? Is it to
    experience first hand Hispanic spirituality where
    it originates so as to minister here? And to what
    degree is it necessary for those non-Hispanic clergy
    to learn to speak, understand, and pray in the
    Spanish language?

    Lastly, how will the Rochester Diocese’s Hispanic
    Ministry Plan implement the New Evangelization
    and take advantage of The Year of Faith?

    As you can see, munoz271, I am doing some
    research by inquiring of you, an informed Hispanic
    believer in Christ Jesus who is also devoted to the
    Mother of God.

  9. munoz271 says:


    “Will Spanish language usage lessen as more young Hispanic families are ministered to by means of the Hispanic ministry plan?” — NO it will not because of the growing number of immigrants that come to this country and do not know the language. The Church cannot wait for them to learn English first and then be ministered to. It must minister to them as soon as they come otherwise lose them to other denominations who are more than happy to supply their spiritual needs among others (which is happening as we speak). Also, children are taught to pray in their language as well as in English so that they can continue to be proud of their heritage as well as their faith. The Church’s job is to communicate the message of the Kingdom of God not teach the language, so it needs to do it in the way that they can reach all people best.

    “…please help me understand the rationale for sending non-Hispanic clergy to Spanish speaking countries for extended periods of time?” — First, it is offered to them but it is their choice to go or not. Also, they are not forced to learn the language, they also choose to do that as well. Second, when my parents came to this country they did not know a lick of English. They were fully immersed in their jobs, in their children’s schools, anywhere they went for whatever reason they went, in a country that was all English speaking. Because of that they were obliged to learn the language in order to communicate and understand how this country operates. What’s the difference with what the priests are doing in order to understand the culture, spirituality and language of those they will be serving? And third, again, because of the growing number of immigrants that do not know the language, it is a good idea that they learn how to communicate because how else will the people receive the Sacraments? Do they have to wait to learn English first so they can go to Confession? As you well know, only a priest can hear a confession.

    “…how will the Rochester Diocese’s Hispanic Ministry Plan implement the New Eangelization and take advantage of The Year of Faith?” — Throughout the process of putting this plan together there were 6 themes; 4 of these were titled “Formation and the New Evangelization”, “Option for the Poor and the New Evangelization”, “Pastoral de Conjunto (Communion in Mission) and the New Evangelization” & “Liturgy & Prayer & the New Evangelization”. So as you can see, the New Evangelization plays a HUGE factor in all that resulted in this plan. Church teaching and documents were also a HUGE factor in all that resulted in this plan (documents like: Lumen Gentium, Evangelii Nuntiandi, Ad Gentes, Sacrosantum Concilium, the Sacred Scriptures, just to name a few). One other thing you must know about Hispanic Spirituality is that it holds to the TRUTH of our faith and the Church’s teachings. That is why, when working on this plan, it was done by “seeing” through the eyes of Sacred Scripture and the Church’s teachings so that educated action plans can be created and not what we want and think is best. How the plan will be implemented while taking advantage of the YEAR OF FAITH will be up to the parish itself. It should be the responsibility of the parish to see how best to use this plan to strengthen its ministries. Everything cannot be put on a platter and handed over. The tough work has been done by people who sit in those very pews as well as leaders in ministry.

    I hope this answers your questions and helps clarify things regarding the Diocesan Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry. Like the famous Jack Webb said, “Just the facts.”

  10. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    Munoz271, thank you for this civil discussion.
    I feel free to inquire and to anticipate honest and
    good answers.

    Before I ask a pastoral strategy question,
    I would like to relate 3 personal experiences.

    First of all I am reminded of my experiences
    by two things you have written:
    1) otherwise lose them to other denominations
    which are happy to supply their spiritual needs.
    2) Hispanic spirituality holds the TRUTH of our
    faith and the Church’s teachings.

    My personal experiences and the pastoral strategy
    question to follow.

  11. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    For a year I had good Christian fellowship
    with a female Hispanic Pentecostal Christian.
    She rode my city bus and we would share faith
    in the Lord Jesus, the Son of God Our Savior.

    Once I told her I was going back to the Roman Catholic
    Church, she looked at me with great disappointment.

    We never had that sense of kindred spirit again.

  12. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    Actually, the Hispanic Pentecostal sister in Christ
    looked at me in shock and bewilderment as
    she struggled to understand how I could be Catholic.

    She mumbled something about idolatry.

    Personal experience number 2.

    Once I was back home in the Catholic
    Church of my youth, Saint Andrew on Portland Avenue,
    I served in evangelization, catechesis, and apologetics.
    Like Catholic Hispanics, the Trueh of our faith and
    thr Church’s official teachings were important to
    me personally and to my lay ministry of the Word.

    The salvation of souls is at stake and my commitment
    was genuine.

    Two teen sisters, twins, of Hispanic and Italian heritage
    studied in one of my faith formation classes.
    Once they had children of their own, they disappeared
    Ftom Saint Andrew.

    I found them at an Hispanic Church on North Street.
    The preaching was blatantly anti- Catholic.
    Wow, was that uncomfortable. The young mothers?
    They must have felt at home. They never returned to
    Saint Andrew.

  13. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    Thank you, Munoz271, for you willingness to read my stories.
    One more than the question.

    At the close of the Diocesan Commitment to Ministry
    Process over 20 years ago, Bishop Clark publicly
    answered a number of written questions.
    He answered mine.

    I had asked what can/ will the Church do about
    the hundreds of thousands of Catholics who have
    left the Church for evangelical fundamentalism.

    The good bishop replied, “We will love them.”

    There was no prayer of love for them.
    No diocesan plan of love to reach them.
    No action steps of love.

    So, will there be in the Hispanic ministry plan in
    Rochester steps to minister, serve and perhaps invite
    home the alienated Hispanics who are no longer
    Catholic or who perhaps never were?

    And lastly, have you or any other Beloved Hispanic
    Leaders considered the excellent observations,
    Research and conclusions found in Talph Maryin’s

  14. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    Forgive the typo.

    Ralph Martin is the author.

  15. munoz271 says:


    I am saddened by the experiences you had. I, myself, have had similar experiences with our “separated” brothers and sisters that are very sad and all you can really do for some of them is pray that they will be inspired, especially by your own witness of the faith, to return to Christ who is waiting for them at the holy banquet of the Eucharist.

    The Diocesan Plan states as one of its priorities under the theme of Missionary Option, “Offer outreach programs to reach inactive Catholics and those who do not belong to any church.” One of the action steps is “Form parish evangelization teams implementing the strategies and actions outlined in ‘Go Make Disciples’.”

    Regarding the book, speaking for myself personally, no I have not read it but, upon looking information about it on-line (by the way the author is Dr. Ralph Martin), it looks like an interesting book to read and see how it can be viewed in light of our plan. Thanks for the suggestion.

    In regards to Bishop Clark’s statement, he is right, we must still love them because they are just misguided souls that need our love. Love can be expressed in many ways and prayer is one of them.

  16. Dominick Anthony Zarcone says:

    It has even a pleasure.

    Miuchas gracias.
    El Señor te bendiga.

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