Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Catholic Guild Inaugural

January 28th, 2013, Promulgated by Hopefull

We have read on this site a number of times about the demise of the Catholic Physicians’ Guild.  Please be sure to visit a great post on that subject by Mike here.  This evening when I found the following flyer at St. John Fisher’s Murphy Hall chapel after Mass, I was delighted to read the very welcome news. 

Given the HHS fight in which we are engaged, and what is happening in NYS to permit abortions right up to birth, and other related threats still emerging in the healthcare arena, such a faithful counter voice is sorely needed.  Let’s pray in thanksgiving for the guild’s new presence, and in support of this initiative:

Catholic Guild


4 Responses to “Catholic Guild Inaugural”

  1. ROBERT says:

    Under the leadership of Bob Ring? Wow! An to think that most MD’s live in Pittsford?

  2. militia says:

    I would hope they have their own chaplain and celebrant and that St. Louis is just a convenient meeting place.

  3. Richard Thomas says:

    May God bless your efforts. Please promote the Majesterial teachings on abortion, birth control, contraception, homosexuality, premarital sex and pornography. Be a beacon of light in this diocese and world of darkness.

  4. kdoc1987 says:

    Thank you for your prayers. The Catholic Medical Association exists to uphold the Magisterium in the practice of medicine. Please see the CMA website at

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