A favorite of mine, Francis Cardinal George, who famously said “I expect to die in my bed, my successor to die in prison and his successor to die in the square”; offers a very approachable catechesis on Same Sex Marriage as it’s legality is being debated in Illinois. Of course, the Cardinal is spot-on.
Some religious people have framed their acceptance of this proposed law as an exemplification of compassion, justice and inclusion. As attitudes, these sentiments have been used to justify everything from eugenics to euthanasia. If religion is to be more than sentiment, the moral content of these words has to be filled in from the truths of what human reason understands and God has revealed. Same-sex unions are incompatible with the teaching that has kept the Church united to her Lord for two thousand years.
The latest tour de force on this topic – a topic particular to our era, is here. May God Bless and Protect the Cardinal, who proclaims Truth in season and out and is not effected by the desire of human respect; the guillotine of saints.
In putting Catechesis into action, check out Archbishop Nichols, who is shutting down the so-called Soho “gay” Masses: http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2013/01/02/archbishop-nichols-ends-soho-masses-after-six-years/
He words it particularly well in point 2:
2. Over these years, the situation of people with same-sex attraction has changed both socially and in civil law. However the principles of the pastoral care to be offered by the Church and the Church’s teaching on matters of sexual morality have not. First among the principles of pastoral care is the innate dignity of every person and the respect in which they must be held. Also, of great importance, is the teaching of the Church that a person must not be identified by their sexual orientation . The moral teaching of the Church is that the proper use of our sexual faculty is within a marriage, between a man and a woman, open to the procreation and nurturing of new human life. As I stated in March 2012, this means ‘that many types of sexual activity, including same-sex sexual activity, are not consistent with the teaching of the Church. No individual, bishop, priest or lay-person, is in a position to change this teaching of the Church which we hold to be God-given.’ (Catholic Herald article 17 March 2012). This is the calling to which we must all strive.
Actually, I may have spoken too soon. While I still think the quote is ace high, there seems to be confusion over whether the nonsense is being shut down, or merely moved.
Why is it that the states with the most baptized Catholics are the most liberal? It has been that way since the 1960s.
It’s sad that all those Catholics in the “Blue” states were poorly catechized