Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Bishop Watch – 1/29/13

January 29th, 2013, Promulgated by Dr. K

Today Pope Benedict XVI accepted the resignation of Abp. John Vlazny of Portland. In his place, Bp. Alexander Sample of Marquette has been appointed to lead the archdiocese.

Below are updated lists of dioceses in need of a new bishop. The number in brackets represents how many months have passed since a bishop turned 75 or how long a diocese has been vacant.

Bishops serving past 75
1. Card. Francis George, Chicago [12 months]
Abp. John Vlazny, Portland, Oregon [11]
2. Bp. Michael Pfeifer, San Angelo [8]
3. Bp. Walter Hurley, Grand Rapids [8]
4. Bp. John Kinney, St. Cloud [7]
5. Bp. Joseph Latino, Jackson [3]
6. Abp. Henry Mansell, Hartford [3]
7. Timothy McDonnell, Springfield [1]

Vacant sees
1. El Paso [14 months]
2. Bridgeport [10]
3. Portland, Maine [8]
4. Fargo [8]
5. Oakland [6]
6. Rochester [4]
7. Ft. Worth [4]
8. Marquette [1]

Key: Rochester, updates



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