Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Sisters of Mercy Support Defrocked Roy Bourgeois

December 18th, 2012, Promulgated by Dr. K

From the Sisters of Mercy website:

Sisters of Mercy Leadership Saddened by Dismissal of Father Roy Bourgeois

November 28, 2012 – The Institute Leadership Team of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas is saddened and disturbed by the recent action of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to dismiss Father Roy Bourgeois from the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers.

We have known and worked with Father Roy as an advocate for justice in both church and society, nationally and globally. Father Roy’s commitment regarding the role of women in the church [emphasis] reflects our own as Sisters of Mercy since our Institute founding in 1991 when we stated in our Direction Statement that we will commit our lives and resources to act in solidarity with women seeking fullness of life and equality in church and society. We have heard Father Roy speak with respect and love for his church and find this an extraordinary moment of deep loss for religious life which he loves and to which he has given faithful service.

Father Roy remains our brother and we thank him for his integrity and lifelong fidelity to the gospel of love, justice and peace.

Mr. Roy Bourgeois was excommunicated and recently dismissed from the Maryknoll Fathers for promoting the ordination of women to the priesthood, and for “concelebrating” the “ordination” of a fake priestess.

The LCWR orders seem unwilling to reform. In fact, they’re growing bolder in their dissent.

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9 Responses to “Sisters of Mercy Support Defrocked Roy Bourgeois”

  1. Richard Thomas says:

    I’m afraid it’s going to get ugly and dirty.

    As these nuns get older and their ranks dwindle, I wonder how they are going to handle all the vast properties, given to them through the donations of generous people so many years ago. I wonder if they will try and abscound with everything. It may happen sooner than you think.

  2. snowshoes says:

    Thank you, Dr. K! As we pray in the LoTH for today 18 Dec, Father, free us from our slavery to sin… Mr. Voris’s Vortex for yesterday and today speaks to this sad situation in its larger context: the protestantization of certain members of the Church. Our Lord gave us the gift of Papal Infallibility to keep us between the Truth guardrails: am I going to accept the Pope, or am I the popette? That is another way of asking the eternal question: am I going to let God be God, or am I my own god? Sadly, these poor ol geezettes have chosen autodivinity. So let us pray to St. John Marie Vianney for them, and for me, since autodivinity is a constant temptation for yours truly too. And as the tragic events of the past few days have shown us again, we so need our Dear Savior to come into our lives and our world. Penance, penance, penance!! Merry Christmas!!

  3. Scott W. says:

    As these nuns get older and their ranks dwindle, I wonder how they are going to handle all the vast properties, given to them through the donations of generous people so many years ago. I wonder if they will try and abscound with everything. It may happen sooner than you think.

    Well, if the Loretto high school (CA) incident is any predictor, bet on absconding. This is the school where a student blew the whistle on a teacher volunteering at Planned Parenthood, the bishop ordered the sisters to fire her which they did, but retaliated by expelling the student on bogus charges. Enrollment tanked, the sisters sold off the assets without permission, and set up their own retirement. There was a lawsuit which I can’t find any current information on.

  4. raymondfrice says:

    I wonder if they will try and abscound with everything. It may happen sooner than you think.

    Last nun surviving gets the motherhouse!!!

  5. cbalducc says:

    I doubt most Catholics in the United States know who Roy Bourgeois is. I think he had no more than a cult following. I never cared for his “Blame America First” brand of liberation theology. As far as I’m concerned, he didn’t have to become a priest to be a social activist.

  6. Scott W. says:

    I doubt most Catholics in the United States know who Roy Bourgeois is.

    Up until his recent booting, I’d never heard of him, and I’m pretty good at remembering The Usual Suspects. 🙂

  7. raymondfrice says:

    “Up until his recent booting, I’d never heard of him, and I’m pretty good at remembering The Usual Suspects.”

    He appears regularly in the National Catholic Reporter.

  8. Scott W. says:

    He appears regularly in the National Catholic Reporter.

    Ahh, that’s my problem. Apart from John ‘you knuckle-dragging Taliban Catholics need to be more charitable’ Allen, I tend to think of NCR as Legion.

  9. raymondfrice says:

    “Up until his recent booting, I’d never heard of him, and I’m pretty good at remembering The Usual Suspects.”

    He is also famous for years of protesting outside the School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia. He believes that the United States trains South American troops there who will be deployed to protect their and our government’s interests in South America. Some believe that the murderers of Archbishop Romero were trained there. It is in the national news on occassions, usually during large protest againt terrorism which are held outside the Fort.

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