Previous posts concerning the Fellowship of Saint Alban: Here and Here
Deacon John Cornelius, the leader of the Fellowship of Saint Alban of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter (former Traditional Anglicans, now Roman Catholics), is now on radio station WLEA/WCKR offering a series of 15 minute sermons entitled Magnify the Lord. The series interlaces preaching with Marian hymns and anthems.
Here is a link to a page on the Fellowship’s website from which you can download the audio file of the first sermon which discusses the Immaculate Conception.
The Fellowship worships in the Anglican tradition at the Church of the Good Shepherd (Saint Marianne Cope Parish) in Henrietta on Sundays at 3 P.M.. Between now and January 26th the worship consists of Evensong but after Deacon Cornelius’s priestly ordination on January 26, the Fellowship will worship with the Anglican Use (Roman Catholic) Mass. All Catholics may participate in both Evensong and the Anglican Use Mass. Keep in mind that you can fulfill your Sunday ‘obligation’ to attend Mass by attending the Anglican Use Mass –beginning January 27.
Tags: Anglican Use Mass, Fellowship of Saint Alban, Orthodoxy at Work