In Summit, NJ there is a convent of Dominican Nuns who make, of all things, soap. See . They are a delightful group of nuns, and if you are so inclined, go buy some handcrafted soap from them.
This Christmas, the oldest nun was invited to offer a reflection and here you see decades of wisdom and meditation distilled into a handful of words:
Dear Sisters,
How can our Lord be dwelling among us when we witness evil all around us? Our Holy Father has proclaimed this a Year of Faith as we celebrate 50 years since Vatican II.
These have been years of confusion and misunderstanding within the Church and throughout the world. We have endured periodic new translations of Scripture. Much time has been spent discussing the meaning of words.
The Word was made flesh and came among us, but the world has failed to welcome Him. He allows us to do our own will. Until we can say – the Word became flesh and dwells within us, He will not be among us.
The world is sick and suffering. Some are trying to bring peace through violence. Others expect to restore order through the economy – all without God’s help.
The rulers of nations are powerless. It is we who must restore peace by living the vows we profess and thereby winning the grace for all peoples to profess and strengthen their faith and welcome the Word to dwell among us.
Merry Christmas,
Sister Mary Daniel of God, OP
For those inclined to think monastics, living behind a wall are out of touch with society, this indeed is quite a refutation.
Mirabile dictu Sister Mary Daniel of God!