Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

The Third March: Saturday, October 20, 2012 in Canandaigua

October 15th, 2012, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Once again, for the third time, there will be a march against the HHS mandate and the threat against our religious freedom.  Once again, the event will be in Canandaigua.  More information on the national event is available on the website.  We were a bit too late to register as an official site, but will be doing the same kind of activities as previously, PLUS prayer before and a soup/bread/DVDs gathering afterward.  All those with mutual interest are most welcome.  Since this is a Saturday, not a school day, parking should be easy.  Prior StandUp events were held on March 23 and June 8


2 Responses to “The Third March: Saturday, October 20, 2012 in Canandaigua”

  1. Mary-Kathleen says:

    Is there a march or demonstration organized for/in Rochester? Father Bonsignore mentioned one in his sermon on Sunday last but I’ve seen and heard nothing more about it.

  2. Bernie says:

    In Rochester Saturday, Noon, October 20 at Washington Square Park (in front of St. Mary’s Church, downtown) on Clinton Avenue.

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