Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

It’s All About Conscience

October 16th, 2012, Promulgated by Diane Harris

Our secular world has found it very difficult to understand and articulate what conscience is, and how it differs from opinion.  Isn’t this at the root of why so many well-meaning people can’t tell right from wrong?  Wouldn’t it be a service to others, or at least fulfill one’s own conscience’s urging, to sponsor a session to clarify what conscience means and what is our obligation to follow its directive?  So, imagine such a conference with a key note speaker of the stature of Dan Kane, a Director of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights at the European University of Rome and the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum.  Some parishioners at St. Patrick’s in Victor imagined just such a program, and believe that the message of conscience formation should be heard.  They are holding a free seminar on Thursday, October 25th, to address Conscience Formation.  Please forward this invitation to anyone who may have interest.  It is likely to be the last opportunity before the election to have such meaningful dialogue!



4 Responses to “It’s All About Conscience”

  1. annonymouse says:

    Some who post on these pages have a quite misguided understanding of a well-formed conscience, and view it as license to follow whatever whim and opinion one has. But in a secularized paradigm, that is not surprising – our world has rejected the possibility that there are moral absolutes and has embraced an ethic of “well it’s right for me.” And if it’s right for me, it would be a sin to go against my conscience. Does that about sum it up, you-know-who-you-are?

  2. raymondfrice says:

    Sounds like it will be one of the greatest presentations in recent memory!!

  3. raymondfrice says:

    Everyone who reads this blog should send this announcement to 10 of their friends. On the night of the presentation, they will receive many blessings.

  4. Diane Harris says:

    Here is an update on a wonderful conference on Conscience Formation. Go to:

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