Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Going Out With A Bang

October 15th, 2012, Promulgated by Dr. K

Is it any wonder why Pope Benedict XVI accepted Bishop Clark’s resignation with such haste?

Mass of Thanksgiving, Oct. 13th


Jubilee Mass, Sep. 16th

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16 Responses to “Going Out With A Bang”

  1. Choir says:

    I hope Cardinal Burke gets us a very orthodox/traditional bishop that stands up to the world and proclaims the truths of the faith. It would make this blog go out of existence, or at least I think it would. Thanks!

  2. militia says:

    This stuff is really very demeaning to women. So why do these pastoral admins think the E-bishop is so supportive of women? I don’t get it.

  3. raymondfrice says:

    So I read the article above on liturgical dancing in the Diocese of Rochester. Then I wondered if we were the only ones with this form of dance. I turned on the “picture search” on “google” and came up with a whole bunch of pictures from other Catholic sites and blogs. We are not the only ones with liturgical dancing. There are more; and some of the ladies are prettier than ours :)!! You really ought to check it out!! One blog, called Patheos, had this comment and I hope it does not offend our more delicate and sensitive readers:”liturgical dancers are bat shit crazyโ€ฆ”.

    PS: I know Dr K, I should make ammends and change my life but at 70 it is tough! ๐Ÿ™

    Sleep tight and don’t let the liturgical dancers bite.

  4. Susan of Corning says:

    Wow. For all the problems in our parishes in the Southern Tier, we have never had liturgical dance. Inappropriate doesn’t begin to describe it. Do people ever get up and leave?

  5. raymondfrice says:

    Susan: “Do people ever get up and leave?”

    I suspect that some of the dancers’s fathers might.:)

  6. Hopefull says:

    it is truly disgusting. I’d like to see a time line under Bishop Clark. The first time I saw liturgical dancing was with children, and innocent choreography although clearly unnecessary. Then leotards were tighter, scoop necks. Then plunging necklines with lots of cleavage. Now underwear-revealing slit up tu-tu’s that are too too much — or rather too too little. Little children raising their arms have become the wide-legged stance in front of the altar. That is how evil works….a little bit at a time. It is a good thing the bishop turned 75 and resigned or I’d hate to think what the next iteration would be…. Adam and Eve au naturelle?

  7. raymondfrice says:

    About 20 years ago,there was a single liturgical dancer who danced at a Sunday liturgy at the Abbey of the Genesee. She had never danced there before and has not appeared since. During the dance, I observed the very elderly Father Thomas Aquinas OCSO, sitting in his pew. He saw her start to dance and then he looked down at the floor and never looked up during the whole thing. I took my cue from him as to its appropriateness. As far as I am concerned, he was a saint and practised “custos occuli” (custody of the eye), mostly forgotten in our culture.

  8. y2kscotty says:

    What is Cardinal Burke’s address? I want to write to him.
    In the Archdiocese of NY, St. Charles Borromeo parish has liturgical dancing.
    So, presumably +Timothy allows it.

  9. Dr. K says:

    In the Archdiocese of NY, St. Charles Borromeo parish has liturgical dancing.

    Are you referring to the predominantly African American parish in Harlem?

  10. dmf says:

    Cardinal Burke’s address is:

    His Eminence
    The Most Rev. Raymond Cardinal Burke
    Prefect, Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
    Piazza della Cancelleria, 1
    00186 Roma

  11. y2kscotty says:

    “In the Archdiocese of NY, St. Charles Borromeo parish has liturgical dancing.

    Are you referring to the predominantly African American parish in Harlem?”

    Also thanks for Burke’s address.

  12. y2kscotty says:

    Tip sheet: Bishop Coyne, out-going Apostolic Administrator of Indianapolis – could be looking for a job such as Rochester, on his way to bigger things.

  13. Dr. K says:

    Bishop Coyne, out-going Apostolic Administrator of Indianapolis โ€“ could be looking for a job such as Rochester, on his way to bigger things.


  14. Chrysostom says:

    Bishop Coyne flashed across my mind, until I remembered that Portland, ME and Bridgeport, CT are both without bishops…much closer to his native Boston.

  15. raymondfrice says:

    Your eminences, your excellencies,protonitary apostolics, right reverend and very reverend monsignori, esteemed brothers and dear sisters, and patient laity: ๐Ÿ™‚

    The selection of a new Bishop of Rochester will take some time to complete. I have it on some authority that the most likely candidates are in hiding or on prolonged retreats in monasteries in Tibet. In sum and substance, this will be one heck of a vacancy to fill because it is one of the most idiocyncratic diocese in the USA.
    Don’t be a bit surprised if the new bishop is currently working at the Vatican and has personal ties to the pope and will take on this diocese at the personal request of the pope. That’s how the “club” works.

  16. christian says:

    Not only is the dance an issue – but the outfits they wear. Particularly,the liturgical dancer in the photo of the Jubilee Mass, Sept. 16th – her outfit is see-through!

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