Yes, you read that correctly – Kudos to the D&C! Today they published an essay I submitted. It’s basically a slimmed down version of this post. I wish I had more time to respond to some of the comments… on the other hand maybe it’s best I don’t 😉
This was not the title I submitted, but it works just the same:
Progressive Catholicism no match for authentic teachings
Found it (thanks to Jim H) in the electronic edition but not the print. Is that correct, Ben, that it was not in the print edition? In any case, thank you! +JMJ
Great job!
The title is terrific.
Too bad you have to have facebook to comment. Again, perhaps a blessing because it seems like an exercise in casting pearls when all the opposition can seem to manage is “Inquisitions! Crusades! Flat earth! Gallileo! RAWR!” Liberal democracy darkens the intellect.
🙂 Don’t forget witches.
Edited down, but kudos nonetheless. As is to be expected, the tone comes off less nuanced (and thus easier to strawman), shame as the original was brilliant.
I think forever forward from this point I will associate the words tolerance and enlightenment (or at least most of their use in comboxes) with the Inego Montoya’s famous keep-using-that-word retort.
It seems as if there are a few
PR minionser, squeaky wheels in the comboxes who keep showing up in articles about this topic who sound like modernistic robocalls on roids. Do any of you locals have any info on them? It is obvious anyone so committed to being online masters of Truth rather than servants of Same are getting some type of empty promise from someone. I would love to know the back story on them, if available.I think forever forward from this point I will associate the words tolerance and enlightenment (or at least most of their use in comboxes) with the Inego Montoya’s famous keep-using-that-word retort.
CF could do a whole entry called the Inigo Montoya “Words that don’t mean what people thing they mean”:
Dialog (ususally really means “filibuster”)
Primacy of conscience.