Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Interesting Exhibit at Sacred Heart Cathedral

July 13th, 2012, Promulgated by Gen

If you have the time and ability to stop by the Cathedral any time soon, please do so! There is a very interesting exhibit chronicling the tenure of Bishop Clark, with some exceptional highlights, including:

  • a “bishop’s yarmulke” with the Red Wings’ logo on it (Catholics call it a “zucchetto“)
  • a photograph from Bishop Clark’s first Mass . . . which was celebrated in the Extraordinary Form. He’s wearing one of these.
  • a copy of his letter “Fire in the Thornbush,” along with a letter of protest
  • some charming family photos
  • a charming photo next to a smiling Bishop Hubbard
  • a photo of a young seminarian Mr. Clark, smiling pleasantly, wearing a spiffy cassock
I couldn’t help but notice the extreme irony in one of the photos. It was taken after his first Mass (presumably), with him in a beautiful traditional “fiddleback” Roman-style chasuble, standing on the steps of a high altar with his entire family. Standing next to the handsome young priest is a young, pretty nun in full habit. The altar, as far as one can tell, is adorned beautifully with candles, relics, flowers, etc. Looking at this, one is baffled as to how this zealous priest turned into a champion of heterodoxy, chasing away countless numbers of faithful, and endangering the spiritual well-being of myriads of Catholics. Above this scene, on the walls of the sanctuary, are painted the following words:
“O vos omnes qui transitis per viam, attendite et videte si est dolor similis sicut dolor meus.”
Translated, it means, “O, all you who come this way, look and see if there is any pain like unto mine.”
Pray for the Bishop. Pray for Rochester. Pray for the next Bishop.

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4 Responses to “Interesting Exhibit at Sacred Heart Cathedral”

  1. Persis says:

    I’ve seen it, it was quite interesting. I love the old family photos.
    I do believe that prerry, young sister you are talking about Gen, is actually the Bishop’s sister, Helen. She left the convent and ended up marrying a friend of her brother’s who left the seminary.

  2. Interstate Catholic says:

    We will soon find out how good Pope Benedict’s memory is.
    Maybe the orthodox will get a seat at the table with the next bishop.

  3. annspazz says:

    I saw it when I was in Rochester a few weeks ago…all I could think when looking at the pictures was, what was it that made him go so wrong? I grew up on Flower City Park, went to SAC school then to Bishop Kearney HS. I was at his ordination Mass and many others. He confirmed me. I looked up to him as a child and teenager. I feel so betrayed…

  4. Interstate Catholic says:

    In the same display case, there is a picture of seminarian Clark, his brother in law as a seminarian, and some other seminarians in a casual group photo.

    Liked the ordination photo as well. You wonder what happened to those who were ordained that day with the future bishop of Rochester.

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