Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Cardinal Burke: “This is absurd”

July 10th, 2012, Promulgated by b a

Cardinal Burke ladies and gentlemen:

“What kind of thinking is it on our part for me to think that I can improve on the liturgy that has been handed on in the Church down the centuries? This is absurd,” Cardinal Burke stated.

“If in 20 centuries of the life of the Church there was always the need for sanctions, why in our century should we suddenly think they are not necessary? This is also absurd.”


One Response to “Cardinal Burke: “This is absurd””

  1. Raymond F. Rice says:

    I guess it must come down to what is “improving” and what is making the liturgy relevant to the culture. The real issue is are we giving more praise to God or less through our liturgies. Are we increasing the movement/raising of our minds and hearts to God or not.

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