Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Can we gain salvation if we fail to preach it?

May 13th, 2012, Promulgated by b a

Since I started riding the bus to work I’ve been reading more than listening to audio during my commute, so I just recently came across a CA Live show from several months back. I was going to post a link to the show anyways because it covers a topic recently discussed in our combox, but then I was doubly convicted to post a clip when I heard this call:


The show link is here. Ralph Martin’s organization Renewal Ministries is here. And the link to Pope Paul VI’s EVANGELII NUNTIANDI is here. The relevant passage that Dominick refers to is approximately this:

It would be useful if every Christian and every evangelizer were to pray about the following thought: men can gain salvation also in other ways, by God’s mercy, even though we do not preach the Gospel to them; but as for us, can we gain salvation if through negligence or fear or shame- what St. Paul called “blushing for the Gospel”[134] – or as a result of false ideas we fail to preach it? For that would be to betray the call of God, who wishes the seed to bear fruit through the voice of the ministers of the Gospel; and it will depend on us whether this grows into trees and produces its full fruit.


One Response to “Can we gain salvation if we fail to preach it?”

  1. brother of penance says:

    Fater Robert Barron exhorts us to grow in Christ’s Love by giving it away.

    We cannot merely receive God’s grace through Christ.
    We must share it; invite others to receive it.
    As Paul VI has written,
    we must proclaim Christ Crucified and Risen.

    May Jesus Christ be praised, now and forever!

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