Many of you will doubtless recall the article we posted a few weeks ago regarding Sr. Joan Sobala’s departure from Our Lady of Lourdes and St. Anne. We had been told by individuals in the parish office at St. Anne that Sr. Joan was going into an “active retirement,” much like Bishop Clark intends to. However, we did not know this “active retirement” would mean her becoming the chief liturgist for the Diocese.
This is, perhaps, the worst possible alternative out there to Sr. Joan leading a parish. We have seen the destruction of her current assignment, the decline in attendance, contribution, and participation. Now, being in a position wherein she will work closely with Bishop Clark and Sr. MaryAnn Binsack, she will have a much stronger and more potent ability to insert her dissident agenda into Catholic hearts and minds. This is shameful, especially coming at a time when so much good is around the corner for our Diocese. In a recent interview, Sr. Joan stated, and I quote, “I intend to welcome a free spirit into the Mass, a spirit that should have been there sooner. Church isn’t about fancy ceremonies or big words or even big ideas; it’s about love. After all, that’s how I’ve lived my life, and how our brother and sister Jesus lived, too.”
Click here for more regarding Sr. Joan and her forthcoming assignment, which will take effect sometime in July.
Tags: Joan, Progressive Drivel, Thou Shalt Laugh
From past practices, I knew an April Fools joke was not far behind this astute writer. It did make me shudder at the thought of it.
You got me, again! Look where the joke was posted. This is so hilarious.
Jumpin’ Jehosaphats! I spent the last couple of days trying to come up with a good one myself. It’s also my son’s (the April Fool) birthday. You’d think I’d be prepared, but yet, you got me again! I was so upset with myself that I coaxed Mary into believing it as well. Fools love company and in this family, there’s a lot of love. Good one, Gen.
This is not funny! I am all for a laugh, but I am not used to seeing things that are not true posted here. I almost fell out of my chair when I read this article and immediately emailed friends about it. Now I look like a fool. I guess thats the point.
I do feel the relief similar to waking up from a bad dream however.
Keep our diocese Catholic!!!
Ok, ok, I’ll admit it.
You had me fooled before I got to the link!
Though I could still see it happening…
Though I could still see it happening…
Indeed. Don’t give ’em any ideas as they say. 100+ days is still enough time to do plenty of damage.
I was all set to cast my “Aaaarghhhh!” upon polluted waters, but I’ll put it aside for a more auspicious time.
Yep, I experienced the best humor this morning when I realized “I had been had!”
You got me so good; I was ready to go to mass and start refering to ‘brother and sister Jesus’ equipped with the authority of the new diocesan director of liturgy herself.
Thanks for the good laugh.
Oh, I do hope that Sister Joan has a good laugh as well.
Whew, that friggin scared the crud outta me!
I forgot it was April Fool’s Day and when I saw that, I was like “wait, what?!”
Just. Stop. It. Gen!
You had me for about 10 seconds and then I remembered the date. I’m with Scott, though. Don’t give them any ideas!
LOL, you fooled me!
I picked my lower jaw off the key board and hightailed it here to read the comments and heard the breaks lock inside my head when I realized the joke. Had me fooled too!!! Good one Gen!!!
Happy April Fool’s Day to all of the women fools who are trying to act like priests in the Diocese of Rochester. They are following Bishop Clark down a dead end road.
Gen, you got me on this one. I can just hear Bishop Clark or “Sister” Sobala referring to their sister Jesus. You almost made me put my fist through my computer monitor.
Many priests, nuns and deacons in our diocese are counting down the days for Bishop Clark’s retirement.
Many priests, nuns and deacons in our diocese are counting down the days for Bishop Clark’s retirement.
True. And on this blog some seems to delight in predicting that the next bishop will never satisfy the bloggers here. The response that even a middle-of-the-road bishop is preferable to someone actively engaged in wiping out all traces of orthodoxy has been offered several times. But that seems to fall on deaf ears and ecce spamnus!
I wonder just what a “middle-of-the-road bishop” might look like in practice: A little orthodoxy here, a little heterodoxy there? Or might he fit the description of the lukewarm Laodicean Christians in Revelation 3:14 ff?
Either way, not a pretty sight.
Good April Fools Joke!
BTW-Regarding reassignment – Hasn’t Fr. Robert Kennedy been at Blessed Sacrament for over 12 years – possibly closer to 16 years? All I know is that he has been there a long time. Why isn’t he reassigned? God forgive me for any ill thought on my part – but I do not like his style and am also opposed to his reported viewpoints regarding homosexuality and pedophilia – especially pedophilia (reportedly he stated there was nothing in the Bible against pedophilia and left it at that).
You don’t want to know how long Fr. Hart has been at Our Lady Queen of Peace…
The perks of power.