Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Rome Reverses Bishop Lennon’s Closing of 13 Churches!

March 9th, 2012, Promulgated by Diane Harris

The “really big news” from the Vatican this week is the Congregation for the Clergy’s reversal of Bishop Lennon’s Closing of 13 churches.  This was not a minor administrative correction; it is a real come-uppance for a Bishop’s ignoring direction from the Congregation.  The appeal didn’t even have to go to the Apostolic Signatura for the decision. 

The following has been amended since the original post:

Of course, Bishop Lennon can now appeal to the Signatura, but there is dancing in some Cleveland streets this week.  This appeal has been 3 years in process; so perhaps St. Thomas Apostle can still hope!

Here are some links to explore the media stories:

The last of the above links has the Decree with respect to the St. James parish.  Cleveland Diocese says it now has a copy of the Decree from the Congregation for the Clergy, but is making no comment until they study it.

Notice some of the hi-handed ways that churches were closed.  Kind of reminiscent of DoR’s approach.   Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a similar letter directed to the sites of pain in the Diocese of Rochester?  Let’s pray.




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One Response to “Rome Reverses Bishop Lennon’s Closing of 13 Churches!”

  1. Gretchen says:

    Now this is cause for hope!

    Gretchen from SOP

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