Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Epic “Catholicism Series” – Special Local Screening!

February 10th, 2012, Promulgated by Bernie

Great News!!! A special screening of four episodes from the Catholicism series by Fr. Robert Baron and Word on Fire is going to be sponsored by the Knights of Columbus of Saint Damien of Molokai Council 11411 on four dates this spring. The screenings of four episodes from this ten-part series is open to anyone but the seating is apparently rather limited. Four or five episodes were on EWTN recently but, if you missed those, here is another opportunately to get a really nice taste. Orders, at discounted prices,  for the complete DVD sieres and also the book, Catholicism –which contains more detail than the script of the DVD series- will also be taken. I think they have to get a minimum number of orders to get the discounted prices.

The screenings will be held in the rather beautiful and comfortable social hall of Saint Anne Church, 1600 Mt. Hope Avenue, Rochester. A large and high definition screen will be used to show the episodes. (It hangs over a really nice fireplace and mantle. Just like home!)

Here are the dates:

March 19: Episode 1: Amazed and Afraid – The Revelation of God Become Man

March 28: Episode 2: Happy Are We – The Teachings of Jesus

April 9: Episode 3: The Ineffable Mystery of God – That Than Which Nothing Greater Can Be

April 23: Episode 4: Our Tainted Nature’s Solitary Boast – Mary, the Mother of God

The cost is $15.00 per person which admits you to all the screenings. No, you can’t buy tickets for individual screenings. (The clincher for me –pastries, coffee, soft drinks, bottled water included!)

The dates are coming up fast and this is the first place this event has been made public. It’s actual targeted market is in just a few parishes so I doubt you will see it advertised anywhere else. (We’re on top of everything here at CF)

For reservations:

(Click on the poster to see a larger image) 

See the extended trailer of short excerpts at the following link:


8 Responses to “Epic “Catholicism Series” – Special Local Screening!”

  1. Hopefull says:

    This is a wonderful series; I highly recommend it for the beauty of the photography, the sense of timelessness of the Church, the universality of our Oneness, and the extraordinary integration of what the Church means and stands for, without seeming “preachy.” Great stuff.

    We have been watching the 10-part series since January 18th, at St. Mary Canandaigua and at St. Bridgets in Bloomfield.

    The Bloomfield segment began on Jan 18, and will end on Mar. 21, every Wednesday at 7PM. Session 5, Peter, Paul and the Missionary Adventure will be this week, on Feb. 15th.

    There are two Canandaigua Sessions: Monday mornings after the 9AM Mass, in Dougherty Hall (downstairs, below the church). It began on Jan. 23rd and will end on March 26. Session #4 (Mary the Mother of God will be this week (Feb. 13th).

    There is a second session each week at St. Mary Canandaigua, 7-8PM on Sunday evenings, following the 6PM Mass. It is also shown in Dougherty Hall. It began on Jan 22, took a break for the Super Bowl, and will finish on April 1. It will cover session 3 this week, on Feb. 12th: That than which nothing greater can be thought.”

    I know everyone is welcome. I’ve been going to the Monday sessions, with about 40-60 people attending. The book is available for $27.95; the study guide and workbook for $34.95 and the DVD Box set can be ordered for $149.95. There is no charge to attend any session, and the nice thing about Fr. Barron’s work is that you can view one session without needing to have seen what goes before it in the sequence. I think it would be great to have this in every parish eventually.

    For more information, contact Deacon Claude Lester at 394-1220, ext. 15.

  2. Raymond F. Rice says:

    I have been going to the sessions at St Mary’s. Some of the scenes, music, and comments have made the hair on my neck stand up and chills run up my back. Others have concurred with my experience.!!!

  3. Thinkling says:

    I have both the book and video series. They are fantastic. I am on my second viewing of the series.

    Pray for Fr. Barron. The Evil One has had a frightening track record lately with priests who become minor celebrities.

  4. Bernie says:

    Depending on the response to these first four episodes, The Knights of Columbus of Council 11411 are considering showing the remaining episodes. The K of C Council incures expenses that parishes don’t have because the Council does not have its own facilities to hold events or copier to print advertising flyers, etc. which is why it has to charge a relatively nominal entrance fee. The DVD series itself was purchased by three private individuals, two of whom are members of the Knights of Columbus. They have offered it to the Council free-of-charge for these showings.

  5. Hopefull says:

    Bernie’s points are interesting. It is any organization’s right to charge as they see fit, but if a family of 5 were to attend, that $75 might be a showstopper, and it is well that they have other alternatives. The other alternative, of course, would be a free-will offering. One problem not mentioned is the DoR requirement for events insurance. I don’t know much about it, and maybe K of C doesn’t have to pay it, but it also affects event expense. Some parishes do not charge if the “event” is part of the parish mission, and if it is open at no charge to parishioners.

  6. Nerina says:

    Raymond and Hopefull,

    I’ve been attending the sessions at St. Bridget’s with four of my five kids (I don’t think the 5 year old would get much out of it at this point). I agree, this series is fantastic. I was in tears last week with the Marian episode. The story of Lourdes and how God speaks to us through the apparitions of Mary is just so moving. So too, the story of Juan Diego and the conversion of Mexico (oh, how Mexico needs our prayers).

    My head was spinning with the discussion of “the Argument of Contingency in episode three. Must say, I felt pretty philosophically inept (but in a good way). It is amazing to think about the great thinkers of the Church.

    The first episode was the perfect kick-off to the whole series. I can’t wait to go each week an I would recommend this without reservation. This is my family catechesis – forget the usual faith formation programs offered for kids.

  7. Bernie says:

    Yes, The K of C has to pay for the insurance coverage. I’m not sure but almost certain the Knights wouldn’t charge every member of a 5 person family the same price. I suspect, at this particular event, they are not expecting any young children. If a teenager wanted to attend with his parents my guess is they would make an accomodation. It’s not in the advertising but my experience tells me they try to be sensitive to families on this issue of entrance fees. Most organizations are.

  8. Bernie says:

    Your comments are fleshing out more information on this Knights’ event.

    There is formal instuction with each episode: a brief introductory Power Point set of slides that provide you with anticipatory or “What to look for” questions to guide you through the content. Then, following the viewing of the episode, the questions are displayed again and answers provided with helpful explanations. This all takes about an hour and a half. Each session formally ends at that point but you can stay behind, get yet another pastry and cup of coffee, and questions for how the content of the episode might apply in your personal life are then displayed on the screen for you to consider and informally discuss with others. I’m told that you might want to bring along paper and pencil -or not, it’s up to you.

    Husband and wife are admitted for a reduced price of $25 for the couple. When you make your reservation just tell the person taking your call or email that you’re attending with a spouse. Teenages admitted for only $5 and children 12 and under admmitted free. Attendance by young children is generally not encouraged but the decision is left to the parent as to whether the youngster could appreciate the content or, at least, the visual component of the series. If you can’t find a babysitter, bring the kids along. Please tell the person taking your reservation that you will have young children.

    Also, if the Council offers the remaining episodes in the future, those who attended these first sessions will be admitted at much reduced cost if not free. New attendees would pay the initial cost of $15.

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