Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

NY Bishops “in the principal’s office”

December 1st, 2011, Promulgated by b a

Below is snippets and some comments on a CNS story entitled “Archbishop Dolan says N.Y. bishops impressed with ‘ad limina’ process“. Can you imagine any bishop saying it wasn’t a positive experience? Now I’m glad it was a positive experience, but I sincerely hope that the our Holy Father pressed these bishops to change things for the better. This particular article doesn’t address same-sex marriage and certainly doesn’t go into detail about the discussions, so make of it what you will.  The fact of the matter is that none of us know what happened behind the scenes and that’s alright.  It’s good for the parties involved to be able to speak privately, but we must remember the way the bishops tell us about their conversations with the Holy Father and Roman Curia officials might be very different from the actual conversations.  Nevertheless, you may wish to attempt to read through the lines.

He said one specific piece of news the group took away from the weeklong visit was that the Vatican’s Congregation for Clergy is preparing a document that it hopes will offer “crisper and cleaner and more consistent” guidelines on parish closings and mergers, both for the bishops and for the faithful who sometimes appeal a bishop’s decision.

“Sometimes people’s perception of the Holy See is that its job is to protect the power structure of the church and to protect the bishops and clergy. Well, they also are very sensitive to the rights of God’s people,” he said. [that’s nice, but I continue to think about Raymond’s comment. To answer your question, Raymond, no, I have never received a response. I have received a response from Bishop Clark the two times I’ve written him. I received a stock response from Archbishop Dolan simply stating he received my letter. I have not received a response from anyone else (and I’ve sent out a good amount of letters)]

The archbishop said the bishops were impressed with the curiosity and sincerity of the Roman Curia officials. Education officials, for example, had some probing questions about the costs of church-run schools, their level of support among Catholic parents, and the arguments against state support of such schools. [I hope the Roman Curia officials are getting input from more than just the bishops on all of this.  My children will be reaching school age in the next few years.  Perhaps the Roman Curia would like my input on why I will not be sending my children to diocesan run schools.  They’ll get a different answer than I’m sure Bishop Clark gave.]

Using data from the apostolic visitation of U.S. seminaries in 2005-2006, they noted shortcomings cited in the seminaries of New York state and asked the bishops what they had done to improve the situation.

“That’s a call to accountability, that’s a check — and that’s not bad,” Archbishop Dolan said.

“It’s good for us, every once in a while, to be in the principal’s office,” he added with a laugh. [!!!]


Along these lines, Hopefull posted a link to a LifeSiteNews article in the comments. What’s better than the actual article is the comment that Hopefull left:

Does the Pope have any idea what has really been going on in Rochester NY? Does anyone have any evidence to offer that he is taking any action there? How can a Fr. Charles Curran not be allowed to teach any longer in Catholic universities but still address the faithful in the parish pew? How can priests in the Rochester Diocese still be raising the question of women’s ordination in their church bulletins (as recently as 3 days ago when the pastor of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish, Fr. Wm. Spilly, raised it after receiving an award recognition from Call to Action? How can the bishop have appointed so many women to act as pastoral administrators of parishes, with priests “reporting” to those women? How can dozens of priests be listed as contributors to Fortunate Families, which is “proud” of their gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered children’s life styles? Where is the financial accountability for the assets of so many closed churches and schools? If there is any evidence that any of this is being addressed, it is certainly subtle. A clean-sweep new Bishop is desperately needed, as soon as possible!

One more note… As ScottW pointed out, Rich Leonardi is back in the blogging world with his new site Over the Rhine and Into the Tiber.


2 Responses to “NY Bishops “in the principal’s office””

  1. Richard Thomas says:

    Well. The fruits of Modernism have come full forth. Although suppressed by Pope St pius X, it went underground and became well organized so when Vatican 2 was instituted, these leaders were well entrenched to take over various aspects of the council. It affected Pope Paul’s commission on contraception. It changed the intended direction of the council. People like Archbishop Jadot appointed many bishops, including Bishop Clark. A large number of these bishops were homosexual.

    The seminaries have been infiltrated as well as Catholic education. So we have a huge effort to take back the Church.

    Society depends on it because society as we have known it is going down the tiolet because of moral depravity, in large part, fostered by the heretetical church.

    So is Archbishop Dolan a modernist? Time will tell. Let’s see if he puts his religion where his mouth is!

  2. Jim says:

    Jim M. here: Well, I certainly hope that the Holy Father’s meeting with the New York bishops, was more than just sharing pleasantries over tea and crumpets! We all know what should be done, at least in this diocese…I really pray that some progress was made by the Holy See in understanding what our situation is over here, and taking some action to remedy it!

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