Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Spiritual Bouquet for Bishop Clark: Part II

September 4th, 2011, Promulgated by b a

Thank you all for your tremendous support for the spiritual bouquet for Bishop Clark. I want to thank you all for your comments and contributions. I found the discussion fascinating as it evolved. Don’t think twice about writing lots in the comments. In my mind Cleansing Fire is a true community and I think the comments section is as important as the original posts. And don’t fear being honest about your thoughts and feelings. The more honest you are, the better someone else might be able to offer a suggestion to help you over a hurdle.

The bishop’s last two Along the Way columns are quite pertinent:

1) It is good to be inspired by others. In this column, the bishop talks about his devotion to St. Matthew (whose feast we will be celebrating when Bishop Clark receives the letter). I was quite pleased to read this because I wasn’t sure if St. Matthew would be special for Bishop Clark.

My own name, Matthew, honors immediately my father whose name I bear and — going up the line — my grandfather who was the first of the three Matthews. To me the name has always linked me in a warm and pleasing way with two people who taught me a great deal and have always meant a great deal to me.

My father took delight in our name. He loved to encourage me when St. Matthew’s name was mentioned that “if that Matthew made it, we’ll be OK.” His obvious reference was to the fruits of God’s grace operative in the life of one who had no particular claim or entitlement to God’s gracious mercy. That’s true of all of us for sure. But I knew that my father also was referring to Matthew’s occupation as a tax collector. My dad also was a tax collector; he was an officer for U.S. Customs at the Port of Albany. Dad gladly packaged himself with Matthew in that occupation and was sure he enjoyed the prayers of the saint to his own well-being.

2) Looking ahead to retirement. Apparently the bishop wants to hang around Rochester after his retirement. I can’t imagine this is a great idea. If the new bishop does his job and starts enforcing changes, then many of those who endear our bishop are going to be unhappy. What will they do then? Run to the bishop emeritus? Will he continue to provide a safe haven for them? Or perhaps the new bishop will win everyone over. Stranger things have happened. Either way, the man needs our prayers.

Since you’re all putting so much effort into this, I’d like to ask for your input. You’re probably wondering what will actually be sent to Bishop Clark. My thought was to send him this card and this prayer card. In the card (or a separate letter placed inside the card depending on how much space there is), I’ll write a simple note and list the number and types of prayers offered for his sake. In my next post I’ll write out the exact wording so you’ll have a chance to proof-read it before it I send it. I’d like to order the cards soon, though, so I get them in time. You’re probably also wondering how we’re doing. I’d say we’re doing good. You can have a look for yourself here (the bolded totals row is what I’ll use). Christian and Brother of Penance, I have entered yours for you as requested. There were a few entries with 10s across the board, which I am removing from the totals. I’m guessing they are fakes. If you are the one who entered those and they are for real, please let me know and I will include them. Also, instead of embedding the form in these posts, I will just provide a link. So, here it is.


2 Responses to “Spiritual Bouquet for Bishop Clark: Part II”

  1. brother of penance says:

    Thank you, Ben, for putting this together for us, the Cleansingfiredor community.

    The card and prayer card are excellent choices.

    May this spiritual bouquet add to Bishop Clark’s joy on his feast day. And may God bless those who have prayed for him for love’s sake.

  2. Richard Thomas says:

    I am sorry friends but I am very skeptical of the whole appointment process of bishops. Bishop Cunningham was recently appointed bishop of Syracuse. He has united his post graduate program with the St. Bernards institute integrating the dioceses of Albany, Syracuse and Rochester in heresy. And Fr. Michael Reese, a columnist in the Diocesan newspaper, is the Fr. Mc Brien wanna be.

    So don’t get your hopes up for a new bishop. Too many questionable and bad bishops have been appointed recently.

    And is a woosey bishop is appointed for Rochester, then Bishop Clark will have many more years to spread his heresy. The Church is filled with way too many heretetical bishops. Much damage has been done over the last 30 years and the soul of orthodoxy has been crushed and the lay people of Rochester have been dumbed down to a horrible condition.

    This is of evil intent and orgin. Don’t thinkl for one minute that evil, as personified in the current spiritual leader, will simply go away or passively let an orthodox bishop undo 30 years of work.

    Unless the Pope himself interviens, and I believe Rochester is too small a diocese to put an outstanding man in charge, it might be a form of status quo with Bishop Clark allowed to continue to run wild and support all the hereterical people anf groups that have been frequently mentioned on this web site.

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