Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Some Byzantine Thoughts on Liturgical Things

September 10th, 2011, Promulgated by Bernie

Byzantine Catholic priest celebrating Mass "ad orientum" in the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom.

I found the following interesting blog post while searching for something else. It was written “way back” in July of 2007 around when Summorum Pontificum appeared.  It’s interesting because it discusses a couple of contentious issues of the Liturgy of our “Latin” (Novus Ordo and Extraordinary Form) rite but from the perspective of a Byzantine Catholic –Catholics who use the “Greek” Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom; things like “active participation” and celebrating facing the people in contrast to “ad orientum.”

… I have to laugh a bit when I read or hear some Catholics insist that having the priest “turn his back to the people” is a bad or bizarre thing, as though it will somehow create a sort of dark and emotionally-draining chasm between the priest and the people …

… some Catholics (certainly not all Catholics, of course) think the greatest thing they can do as a lay person is to be up front, doing stuff. In which case they misunderstand what the primary role of the laity really is …

Read the short entry here

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