We would like to let you all know about an upcoming event which you should certainly consider attending. On September 13th at 7:30 PM in the Coleman Chapel at St. John Fisher, the Knights of Columbus Council 11411 will be sponsoring another Rosary for Vocations. Do consider going, as these are always very beautiful, prayerful events which have yielded great fruit.
The Knights of Columbus are always looking for volunteers for these events. If you are interested in helping in any capacity, just sent an email to us at contact@cleansingfire.org and we’ll forward it to the Council for you. They can use servers and singers, and are looking for an interested parish to host their Advent Rosary for Vocations. These services are solely based on volunteers, so please don’t hesitate to lend a hand – it’s a noble cause, to be sure!
Tags: Events, News and Media, Orthodoxy at Work, Vocations
Why not a Roman Catholic Mass also???
Actually, the same fellow who let me know about this also pointed out that on September 25th there will be Solemn Vespers in the Extraordinary Form followed by three hours of adoration, then Solemn Mass in the Ordinary Form. This event is being organized by the Rochester Vespers Choir, though, a separate entity from the Knights of Columbus. I’ll be posting more about this later in the month, but from what I’ve been told, it should be amazing.
I’m looking at a map of the campus from the school’s website but I’m not seeing Coleman Chapel. What building is it in? Campus Center?
Coleman Chapel is in Murphy Hall and across the street (south side) from the main campus. There is a traffic light there; it’s a right turn for those traveling east out of Rochester. It is just before the 490 Fairport Rd. entrance. It is almost across from the football field. There is a big parking lot, and also some parking on the west side of the building (except toward the rear which is reserved for day care). As you face the building from the main parking lot, the Coleman Chapel is the right hand building entrance.
Hope this helps. Now here’s one for you…. I know of at least two chapels in the DoR which are named for the uncanonized or unbeatified….Coleman and the Halleran chapel at St. Mary Canandaigua. What is the rule about this? Is there a rule?
From what I can gather, even though the Blessed Sacrament is reposed in the Coleman Chapel, it is still *technically* non-denominational. Thus they can use a name of a donor or some other relevant person. St. John Fisher is going to be building a new chapel on campus, one with a “decidedly Catholic” name, according to some friends who have kids at Fisher.
I wonder about the funding. St. John Fisher Catholic clergy is staffed by Basilians. Some are quite nice and helpful people, but that is the same order as Fr. Tanck who so devastated and devoured St. Thomas the Apostle. People should think twice about entrusting more to an order which permits Fr. Tanck to do what he did, IMO.
Diane Harris: Thank you. That helps a lot!