Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

PSA for Life

September 6th, 2011, Promulgated by Nerina

I’ve been informed that there will be a Mass offered at the Focus Pregnancy Center by newly ordained Fr. Scott Caton on Wednesday, October 5th at 6:00PM.  The center is located at 86 University Avenue in Rochester.  Mass will be followed by a pot luck supper and attendees are invited to bring a dish to pass.

Mary Jost, director of Focus said the following:

This Mass is another blessing for us at Focus. The intentions for this Mass will be:
In Thanksgiving to God for all His blessings & for our clients, benefactors & staff & for the end
to abortion & for the conversion of sinners & for all priests & for the Holy Father & for your
intentions too, for what is in your heart. God bless!

Also, October is “Respect Life” month and a National Life Chain will take place on Sunday, October 2nd.  Interested parties can meet at the Focus Pregnancy Center at 2PM to receive signs and instructions.

As always, pray for an end to abortion.



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