Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church, Joliet, IL.

September 6th, 2011, Promulgated by Bernie

I ran across the website forAnnunciation Byzantine Catholic Church in Joliet, Illinois and found the program of icons in the interior interesting. The site has three pages of photos of the church, mostly the interior. The third page offers larger views if you click on the pictures. Unfortunately, the first two pages offer only thumbnails in a little larger size than normal. Scroll down and click on “Next page” to advance to pages 2 and then, 3. The pastor, Fr. Thomas J. Loya, is painting the icon murals.

I am quite taken with Byzantine, Eastern Rite and Orthodox churches that cover nearly every available interior wall space and ceiling space with icons. It is an amazing liturgical and spiritual experience for me especially with chanting and clouds of incense.

Check out the Church’s website.

In the bottom left corner you can see the top of the altar, and the tabernacle, candelabra and liturgical fans as well as the crucifix. The Virgin of the Sign dominates the bema/altar area. On the left wal is a mural in only the first stages of 'writing' by the pastor.

Another view of the altar area (behind the iconostasis screen). The altar and tabernacle are in the bottom of the photo. Note the altar for the preparation of the bread and wine on the left. You can see here also the chairs for the priests and deacon or other attendants.


The pastor, Fr. Thomas J. Loya, works on the ceiling mural. You can see the iconostasis screen in the bottom half of the photograph.

Close-up of adding facial features; dark lines and tones, first.

Bishop saints: John Chrysostom (left) and Basil the Great.

I think this is a view of the nave with the mural of the Dormition on the back wall.

Here we have saints Methodius and Cyril.

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